Rainbow Butt Monkeys - Scrumpy Lyrics

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Artist: Rainbow Butt Monkeys
Song Title: Scrumpy
Visits: 660
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Listen, I hear them again,
They call my name,
They understand it all.
I believe in the words that they said,
But I'm so scared,
They'll never leave my head.

There's no way out of this.
You're living through me,
But you can't escape yourself.
You're everything I need.

I try to remember some more.
The more you give it,
The more it ignores.
You're lucky to have something at all,
To love you,
If ever you do fall.

There's no way out of this.
You're living through me,
But you can't escape yourself.
You're everything I need.

It's wrong to laugh,
I hate this place.
Why can't you follow?
I'm quiet again.

Listen, I hear them again,
They call my name,
They understand it all.
I believe in the words that they said,
But I'm so scared,
They'll never leave my head.

There's no way out of this.
You're living through me,
But you can't escape yourself.
You're everything I need.

It's wrong to laugh,
I hate this place.
Why can't you follow?
I'm quiet again.

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Other Rainbow Butt Monkeys song Lyrics
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  • Brat
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    I want you to know, that I don't care.
    I'm only laughing at what I'm afraid of,
    I've never been seen, like this before ...."
  • Cake
    "I know you won't forget the days.
    I know you'll never let them live down the days,
    When they, they make you feel their pain.
    And you will never, never forgive it...."
  • Circles
    "You helped him, you laid by his side when he died.
    He held in his breath and you broke down and cried.
    You stood there, confused, you couldn't believe.
    You're helpless, and realize, it's better you leave...."
  • Cookin In The Kitchen
    "I needed you here, I wanted you to stay,
    Was taken with what you took away.
    I came here alone, I'm waiting for you,
    To give me what you think I should say...."
  • Danananana
    "No one hates you, more than you do.
    You can't stand, what you are.
    There's nothing I can ever say
    That'll change you, that'll change you, that'll change you..."
  • Dropping
    "I'm dropping, I'm falling,
    Like water, like water.
    I hear it, it's calling,
    Me over, I'm over...."
  • Lets Pretend
    "Everybody get up on the dance floor,
    Everybody get up.
    Everybody get up on the dance floor,
    Everybody get up, get up...."

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