Rainer Maria - Papersack Lyrics

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Artist: Rainer Maria
Song Title: Papersack
Visits: 596
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So there's your coat and here's your hat
I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper sack
no need to leave a note once you've packed
if you can stay gone, I don't want you back.
So I sit here as you stand there
press me flat beneath the weight of that even-keeled stare
no need to leave a note if you go,
if it'd take the rosetta stone to decode.
I put two fingers to your throat
when we kiss and I take your pulse
no need to explain if you're leaving but if you stay
you gotta shake me if I stop breathing.
Da dee da dee la la la la
I watch your eyes for signs of life
will your pupils dilate if I shine a light?
no need to apologize if you're dead
we should've gone out tonight, should've given it a rest.
I put two fingers to your throat
when we kiss I take your pulse
no need to explain if you're leaving but if you stay
you gotta shake me if I stop breathing.
One deep breath could clear the dust that covers you,
but if you leave I may never find another love.
So here's the tail with no end
it circles back to the mouth where it begins again
and f I sat and sang all night
it wouldn't change a thing, couldn't make anything all right.
I put two fingers to your throat
when we kiss and I take your pulse
if you can find that axe you can grind it now
in case you've forgotten, I can show you how
One deep breath could clear the thoughts that trouble you
But if you leave, I may never find another love.
Da dee da dee la la la la
Da dee da dee la la la la.

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