Raised Fist - Shortcut Lyrics

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Artist: Raised Fist
Raised Fist Author
Album: Fuel (1998)
Raised Fist - Fuel Album
Song Title: Shortcut
Genre: Rock
Visits: 757
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Are you wasting your time taking care of everyone just to be nice.

It's time to turn into the average guy stupid and selfish and mean to everyone.

I'm wasting my time being nice feels just like disguise

To truly forgive your next takes a lot more than reading this text.

Be numb and dumb and nothing but a bum and at least you'll survive in this world of hate.

How shall we act curse at unknown and hug our friends

It's time to realize that war starts where friendship ends.

Remember that it takes two to make a fight

And if you continue to argue doesn't mean your right.

Why is it so important for you to show your anger

You don't have to finish everything in a second.

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Other Raised Fist song Lyrics
  • Monumental
    "To make a contribution as you will see
    Is going to break the illusion as it turned out to be
    Reunite the scene if you know what I mean
    From fat and thin to the ones with colored skin...."
  • Reversal
    "Here's our sculpture close perfection
    this is salutation to the prevailing pioneers
    The time has come to purge the scene
    From all the nonsense that ugly mouths are spitting out...."
  • Pretext
    "celebrating with a feast though place and date is wrong
    the sun has ceased to flee it didnt last for long
    the green trees and mighty seas all my dreams are for free
    but when i see these lies line up to end in misery..."
  • Peak
    "A rift of anger passes my remembrance
    An outburst of hate rips my mind once again
    Like a mighty marauder you're infuriate yourself into vengeance
    You must feel sick when you look at yourself in the mirror...."
  • Moment Of Truth
    "The moment when the shield breaks and I know just what it takes
    The moment when the fear breaks and I know just what it takes
    In the moment of the handgun, I'm waiting for you to come
    The moment of trust when you turn into dust...."
  • Tribute
    "To this point in life we've had no experience
    And it feels like we're smashed beyond recognition
    Bleak sections of thoughts a contrast to my hope
    This is a form of tribute to the world you're digging in..."
  • Diabolica
    "Will this go down in history, Will this end up in misery
    We're moving out with endless doubts take your chance now.
    Will this go down in history, Will this end up in misery
    We're moving out with endless doubts take your chance now...."
  • Strong As Death
    "Roofed by sky put down to die
    Breathing cold air guarded by the majestic sun
    Let us anchor nearby the shore
    Let us listen to the songs before...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Fuel" album, click "Raised Fist Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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