Raissa - Weak Lyrics
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Weak Song Lyrics
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I don't know what it is that you've done to me
But it's caused me to act in such a crazy way
Whatever it is that you do when you do what you do to me
It's a feeling that I don't understand
Now my heart starts beating triple time
With thoughts of loving you on my mind
I can't figure out just what to do
When the only cure is you
I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak
I lose all control
It starts to take up on me
In a day, you look so amazing
It's not a phase
I want you to stay with me
By my side, I swallow my pride
Your love is so sweet, it knocks me right off of my feet
Can't explain why your loving makes me weak.
Time after time after time I tried to fight it
But your love is strong. It keeps on holding on
Resistance is down when you're around
My ba-a-by
In my condition, I don't want to be alone
I get so weak
Blood starts raising through my veins
I get so weak
Boy, its somethingcan't explain
I get so weak
Something 'bout the way you do
The things you do... (it)
Knocks me right off of my feet (off my feet)
Can't explain why your love just makes we weak
- - - - - -
Version 2:
I don' t know what it is that you ve done to me
But it s caused me to act in such a crazy way
Whatever it is that you do when you what you re doin
It s a feeling that I want to stay
Cuz my heart starts beating triple time
With thoughts of lovin you on my mind
I can t figure out just what to do
When the cause and cure is you
I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak
I loose all control
It start to take up on me
In a day, you look so amazing
It s not a phase
I want you to stay with me, by my side
I swallow my pride
Your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
Can t explain why your loving makes me weak
Time after time after time I try to fight it
But your love is strong
It keeps on holding on
Resistance is down when you're around
Me baby
In no condition, I don't want to be alone
Cuz my heart starts beating triple time
With thoughts of lovin you on my mind
I can t figure out just what to do
When the only cure is you
I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak
I loose all control
It start to take up on me
In a day, you look amazing
It s not a phase
I want you to stay with me, by my side
I swallow my pride
Your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
Can t explain why your loving makes me weak
I try hard to fight it
No way can I deny it
You re love s so sweet
Knocks me off my feet
I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak
I loose all control
It start to take up on me
In a day, you look amazing
It s not a phase
I want you to stay with me by my side
I swallow my pride
Your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
Can t explain why your loving makes me weak
I get so weak
Blood starts racin through my veins
I get so weak
Boy, it s something I can t explain
I get so weak
Something bout the way you do the things you re doin .
Knocks me right off of my feet (off of my feet I)
Can t explain why your loving makes me weak
I get so weak in the knees I can hardly speak
I loose all control
It start to take up on me
In a day, you look amazing
It s not a phase
I want you to stay with me, by my side
I swallow my pride
Your love is so sweet
It knocks me right off of my feet
Can t explain why your loving makes me weak
Weak Lyrics
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