Rakim - Casualties of War Lyrics

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Artist: Rakim
Rakim Author
Album: The Book Of Life (1997)
Rakim - The Book Of Life Album
Song Title: Casualties of War
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 692
Print Version

Casualties of War!

Casualties of war; as I approach the barricade

Where's the enemy?Who do I invade?

Bullets of Teflon, bulletproof vest rip

Tear ya outta ya frame with a bag full of clips

Cause I got a family that waits for my return

To get back home is my main concern

I'ma get back to New York in one piece

but I'm bent in the sand that is hot as the city streets

Sky lights up like fireworks blind me

Bullets, whistlin over my head remind me...

President Bush said attack

Flashback to Nam, I might not make it back

Missile hits the area, screams wake me up

from a war of dreams, heat up the M-16

Basic training, trained for torture

Take no prisoners, and I just caught ya

Addicted to murder, send more bodybags

They can't identify em, leave the nametags

I get a rush when I see blood, dead bodies on the floor


Day divides the night and night divides the day

It's all hard work and no play

More than combat, it's far beyond that

Cause I got a kill or be killed kind of attack

Area's mapped out, there'll be no, Stratego

Me and my platoon make a boom wherever we go

But what are we here for?Who's on the other side of the wall?

Somebody give the President a call

But I hear warfare scream through the air

Back to the battlegrounds, it's war they declare

A Desert Storm: let's see who reigns supreme

Something like Monopoly: a government scheme

Go to the Army, be all you can be

Another dead soldier?Hell no, not me

So I start letting off ammunition in every direction

Allah is my only protection

But wait a minute, Saddam Hussein prays the same

and this is Asia, from where I came

I'm on the wrong side, so change the target

Shooting at the general; and where's the sergeant?

Blame it on John Hardy Hawkins for bringing me to America

Now it's mass hysteria

I get a rush when I see blood, dead bodies on the floor


The war is over, for now at least

Just because they lost it don't mean it's peace

It's a long way home, it's a lot to think about

Whole generation, left in doubt

Innocent families killed in the midst

It'll be more dead people after this

So I'm glad to be alive and walkin

Half of my platoon came home in coffins

Except the general, buried in the Storm

in bits and pieces no need to look for em

I played it slick and got away with it

Rigged it up so they would think they did it

Now I'm home on reserves and you can bet

when THEY call, I'm going AWOL

Cause it ain't no way I'm going back to war

when I don't know who or what I'm fighting for

So I wait for terrorists to attack

Every time a truck backfires I fire back

I look for shelter when a plane is over me

Remember Pearl Harbor?New York could be over, G

Kamikaze, strapped with bombs

No peace in the East, they want revenge for Saddam

Did I hear gunshots, or thunder?

No time to wonder, somebody's going under

Put on my fatigues and my camoflouge

Take control, cause I'm in charge

When I snapped out of it, it was blood, dead bodies on the floor


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Other Rakim song Lyrics
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  • Flow Forever
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    I'm back baby
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  • All Night Long
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    They sabotage the game, still Im a win
    Rakim allahs the name, and with a pen
    No one can dodge the rain, killem again..."
  • I Know
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    The a roundest one left
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    Flow like a trumpet to your eardrum are deaf..."
  • Its the R
    "Aye yo it's Mr. Low-key you need to go see
    the host by far a mostly o.t., with a brand new show but
    you know how the flow be.
    Cause when I swerve, you observe it closely..."
  • Real Shit
    It's the paragraph ambassador
    The wild style fashioner
    It's the god Rakim, the master..."
  • How I Get Down
    "Before the dough came, my whole aim, was blow like propane
    Control the whole domain, and then show no shame
    Make rappers go ? and they so lame, playin with no game
    Put em on the lil plane til they can't claim no fame..."
  • Strong Island
    "One two..
    Yeah.. uhh.. yeah..
    "Rough enough to break New York from Long Island" -> My Melody
    Yeah it's the God baby....."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Book Of Life" album, click "Rakim Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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