Rakim - RELAX WITH PEP Lyrics

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Artist: Rakim
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My styles will move
I'm calm but deadly, heat up but cool
I'm rough as a right hook but still look smooth
Even when I'm unseen, I show and prove
Women, I give 'em pain and still soothe
As I 'll put you down ?(when them)?, hard to put up wit
Swell up like helium but I can make you fit
I'm taking what I want and make you wanna give it here
Provoking you to flaunt, you get the idea
Got it, gone, my schedule is packed
My day is lay back 'cause I'm ahead of all that
Then I can relax 'cause I'm before my time
I hand you a manual before the rhymes
So you can catch up and keep up and move right alone
The day is kind of off but I can get it on
I'm taking it step by step and when the night is in depth
It's cool 'cause I'm relax wit pep
Relax wit pep
Relax wit pep

I inchant a riot wit a quiet storm
Is it the way I parlay or the knowledge being born
All praise due to the magnificient, most high and magnificient
>From him, I was sent wit intent to invent
New ways for better displays, for better days
No more crimes, I got rhymes and it pays
I'm prepared to take mine and get mine
And I can protect mine even wit a rhyme or a nine
A silent rage but ?(I'm amplified)?
Rhymes multiply, it's hard to provoke when I
Put a mode in effect, the episode's correct
Reload and you don't know code to respect
I get swift and change a rule, adapt the master
But still remainable, rap gets faster
Reacts and projects and tracks and it get
To the max, it's in depth, it attacks but it's relax wit pep
Relax wit pep
Relax wit pep, relax wit pep

Check one, them I'm a check another one, two
The R's brand new so you can view a view
I got equisite, exhibit, explizzit
Is it a whiz kid or kid quiz it, well is it
Relax, I'll track out, lap the halpf stepper
Here come the right one baby and Dr. Pepper
So check the wreck up scale rhymes overload
Blow up and explode, abrupt and reload the code
You can't pinpoint a low cape, the rape
Or evaluate the up to date, skate
Up front, laid back, coming off on track
Girls want some of this because I'm all of that
Sweat the concept as the ?(epps)? in depth
As the track is kept, you can't intercept the step
React and projects and it tracks and it gets
To the max and in depth, it attacks but it's relax wit pep
Relax wit pep
Relax wit pep, it's relax wit pep

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Other Rakim song Lyrics
  • Intro
    "What are you giving them back?
    Umm I think what I'm givin them back man is umm...
    what they been waitin for yaknahmean? Umm...

  • Flow Forever
    "Aiyyo.. what's goin on?
    The Mic Lebanon Teflon Don..
    I'm back baby
    The year of the 9's..."
  • All Night Long
    "Im back! the God remains, still at the end
    They sabotage the game, still Im a win
    Rakim allahs the name, and with a pen
    No one can dodge the rain, killem again..."
  • I Know
    "Aye yo, who's the most explosive one yet?
    The a roundest one left
    Who flows express to them rhythm drum set ain't done yet?
    Flow like a trumpet to your eardrum are deaf..."
  • Its the R
    "Aye yo it's Mr. Low-key you need to go see
    the host by far a mostly o.t., with a brand new show but
    you know how the flow be.
    Cause when I swerve, you observe it closely..."
  • Real Shit
    It's the paragraph ambassador
    The wild style fashioner
    It's the god Rakim, the master..."
  • How I Get Down
    "Before the dough came, my whole aim, was blow like propane
    Control the whole domain, and then show no shame
    Make rappers go ? and they so lame, playin with no game
    Put em on the lil plane til they can't claim no fame..."
  • Strong Island
    "One two..
    Yeah.. uhh.. yeah..
    "Rough enough to break New York from Long Island" -> My Melody
    Yeah it's the God baby....."

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