Ralph Tresvant - Stone Cold Gentleman Lyrics
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Ralph Tresvant Singer Lyrics
Stone Cold Gentleman Song Lyrics
Ralph Tresvant
Song Title:
Stone Cold Gentleman
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Stone to the bone, baby
Whos the mack?
Stone cold
Baby, Im stone cold
Am I
What youre missing?
The kind of guy
Who gives you a dozen roses everyday
Shower you
With hugs and kisses
And making sure
That you get love in each and every way
My momma told me to remember boy
She says a woman is your pride and joy
And thats why I treat you with seniority
A gentleman is what I strive to be
Im a stone cold gentleman
I do all that I can
Give my heart, my charm
My personality
Im a stone cold gentleman
So, girl, just take my hand
Cause youve been missing out on what is chivalry
Stone cold gentleman
Aw, baby
Stone cold
Baby, Im stone cold
Here we go
Come on
Here we go
Come on
Now I
Baby dont mind giving
Giving you
The kind of love
That I know you deserve
Cause Ill be there yeah
To treat you nice
Day and night
Oh baby just say the word
And I will open every door for you
Send you letters and some sweet perfume
Ill call you up to say I love you so
I do special things cause I want you to know
Im a stone cold gentleman
I do all that I can
Give my heart, my charm
My personality
Im a stone cold gentleman
Youve been missing out on what is chivalry
Im a stone cold gentleman
And Ill treat you right
Give my heart, my charm
My personality
Cause baby
Im stone cold
She kinda got a future behind her
She gotta lotta future behind her
Big bright future behind her
You know it
Hey, excuse me
Ill open doors for you
Send you some sweet perfume
Ill call you baby dont you know
Oh, I do special things cause I want you to know
Here we go
Come on
Here we go
Come on
Im a stone cold gentleman but I
Dont like a girl that tries to get too fly
Remember that day I spoke, you kept walking
Pulled up in the Benz today and you were honking my boys
And all of a sudden you started giving the rhythm up
Its plain to see youre just out for the benjamins
Yo, Rizz, aint she the one that stepped at the high ha
B, and I aint even trying to go out like that
Stone cold
Baby, Im stone cold
Baby Im not
No casanova
But Ill give my heart, Ill give you my charm
Baby Im a gentleman
And Im not
Trying to win you over
Just give me your hand and Ill do what I can
Baby, Im stone cold
Im a stone cold gentleman
I do all that I can
Give my heart, my charm
My personality
Im a stone cold gentleman
So, girl, just take my hand
Cause youve been missing out on what is chivalry
Baby Im cold
Aw, sugar, Im cold
Aw, Im gonna treat you nice day and night day and night baby
Baby say the word
And Ill be right there
Ooh, gonna open every door for you
Just for you baby
Im a stone cold gentleman
I do all that I can
Give my heart, my charm
My personality
Im a stone cold gentleman
So, girl, just take my hand
Cause youve been missing out on what is chivalry
Im a stone cold gentleman
Ill treat you right
All day and night
Baby Im stone cold
Im a stone cold gentleman
Ill treat your right
All day and night
Stone Cold Gentleman Lyrics
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Other Ralph Tresvant song Lyrics
Last Night
"to long ive waited for this moment
tormented by the thought that i could lose a good thang
not yet, i havent completed my mission
only wishing that you could be my only lover..."
listen baby let me erase those tears from that insensitivity
there's better things for you
someone who cares someone who'll need you someone with senstiivity..."
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