Ram-zet - The Claustraphobic Journey Lyrics

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Artist: Ram-zet
Ram-zet Author
Song Title: The Claustraphobic Journey
Visits: 729
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Drowning in my emptiness

Love is no subject if my hate isn't there

Strangled by the curse of loneliness

pleasure's no subject if pain is not there

I'll take your hand and I will help you fight

your bedevilled mind come to my peaceful island...

cry...into deep suffocation...

I want to breathe but my throat has disappeared

I claim to be sane that this is just another dream

but the beast inside my head keeps sending pictures of you dead...

We're on the train of no return no absconding

don't turn your head don't look around

We have to reach the other side

no compunction because of all the thing's I've done

don't you try to fool me

you think that I'm mad

but I'm not all your stupid stories

I'll never trust you what you got

Catch me kill me help me free me fear me avoid me

Please don't listen to my oath

all these familiar faces it's like

I've been here before

Eyes glance at me before they turn around

at first they seemed so nice

smiling at me but I know better now

I'll never get away alive

We're on the train of no return

no absconding

don't turn your head

don't look aroun

we have to reach the other side

no compunction because of all the thing's I've done

don't you try to fool me

you think that I'm mad but I'm not all your stupid storis

I'll never trust you what you got

catch me kill me help me free me fear me avoid me

please don't listen to my oath

all these familiar faces it's like

I've been here before

eyes glance at me before they turn around

at first they seemed so nice

smiling at me but I know better now

I'll never get away alive

We're on the train of no return

no absconding don't turn your head

don't look around

we have to reach the other side

no compunction because of all the thing's I've done

don't you try to fool me

you think that I'm mad but I'm not all your stupid stories

I'll never trust you what yougot

catch me kill me help mefree me fear me avoid me

please don't listen to my oath

Drowning in my emptiness

love is no subject

if my hate is not there

strangled by the curse of loneliness

pleasure's no subject if pain is not there

I'll take your hand and I will help you fight

your bedevilled mind come to my peaceful island...

The Claustraphobic Journey Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    questions tearing me apart..."
  • The Moment She Died
    "Far away from sanity
    your screaming gives me pleasure
    the only reason I let you live...
    is that I want to feel your fright..."

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