Ram-zet - The Seeker Lyrics

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Artist: Ram-zet
Ram-zet Author
Album: Escape (2002)
Ram-zet - Escape Album
Song Title: The Seeker
Genre: Metal: Alternative
Visits: 702
Print Version

I'm inside you

I'm within your mind

all around you no peace

I feel him getting closer

nothing to do but wait

just a helpless spectator

as his personality changes

he's here now in my living nightmare

and he's chasing me

I can hear him breathe

I can hear his steps

but he's nowhere near me

and this mist is inside my head makes me personality change

I feel him this is his domain

and I loose my sense of time as faith turns into fear

Fear my being watch my power

hate my existence

hate me

hear my command

obey my word

follow my lead

cause you're all mine...

I keep watching movies in my head

this is madness

the same images over and over again

the pictures of him are repeated

clearer and clearer every time

there are voices in my head

why can't I remember?

he's behind the wheel

now driving me insane...

Fear my being

watch my power

hate my existence

hate me

hear my command

obey my word

follow my lead

cause you're all mine...

I keep watching movies in my head

this is madness

the same images over and over again

the pictures of him are repeated

clearer and clearer every time

there are voices in my head

why can't I remember?

he's behind the wheel

now driving me insane...

Fear my being

watch my power

hate my existence

hate me

hear my command

obey my word

follow my lead

cause you're all mine...

Fire into my eyes

the creatures run through my mind

a bullet right through your head

I tend to leave but I can't

it's to late...

you appear in my hell

you have to leave me or else you'll be me

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Other Ram-zet song Lyrics
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  • The Claustraphobic Journey
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    pleasure's no subject if pain is not there..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Escape" album, click "Ram-zet Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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