Rancid - Life Wont Wait Lyrics

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Artist: Rancid
Rancid Author
Album: Life Won't Wait (1998)
Rancid - Life Won
Song Title: Life Wont Wait
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 757
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Jesus and his ? wage a final war
Religious self-prestigious keep the quest for the holy grail
The eye atop the pyramid is open and awake
The Pagans hold the rituals and the fire won't begin to say:

Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Come along and tell your sister and your brother.

The force of war, dynamite blast
Rides on the weak and the poor
Don't want to see my brother in pain when the man fights big man's wars
Don't know nothing 'bout no red, white and blue

Little men, big ?
Too many win, nobody lose
? choose

Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Come along and tell your sister and your brother.

The conscience of the public can not be put to sleep
The conglomerate of the nations has no bounds in which they seek
Was it the Mob tellin' the CIA to install/restore this state of fear
How many of us wish we were up to Kennedy's ear?

Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Come along and tell your sister and your brother.

See them try to rule the world
We don't know why
Why they want to rule the world
Cuya ?

Only white men and black men's..? the white power ?
The guns of mass destruction, them fighting about
Buying the world is only so much money
Here they come ? in the knees

World wide hunger ? one fear
Well gangster treaties who keep us in fear
How much more cannot people deal?
Need no more division

Need no more pride and I, I will keep on fighting to keep what's mine
We the people speaking our mind
And once more, would you say it for me now?

Dynamite blast of the force of war
Government rides on the weak and poor
Don't want to see my brother in pain no more
When the little man fights all the big man's war

? victimize
Mental slavery with the clever disguise
Our prides on our people must rise
Decide your fate

Life won't wait!!!
Life won't wait!!!
Oh, life won't wait!!!

Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Come along and tell your sister and your brother.

Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Division is the new world order.
Come along and tell your sister and your brother.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Life Won't Wait" album, click "Rancid Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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