Randy Fricke - Stop With The Games Lyrics

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Artist: Randy Fricke
Song Title: Stop With The Games
Visits: 710
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You get me goin' Baby, you think you have me all figured out,
but you haven't got a clue, of what I'm about.

You scream and shout, and then you pout, you think you're winning but it's all for nothin'.
Don't lay that poor little me trip on me.

Stop With The Games. You know there's no one to blame but you.
I was only tryin' to have a little fun, you're the one, who blew it all up.

I know your secrets, I know your lies,
you think you're clever with your see through disquise.
But you wouldn't know the truth, if it hit you in the face.

Stop With The Games. You know there's no one to blame but you.
I was only tryin' to have a little fun, you're the one, who blew it all up.

And now you know the truth. Now you have the proof.
It's not a question of which side you see it from,
the facts don't lie so, don't even try.

I hope this issue, doesn't leave you stranded.
I could pull you back, just like I planned it.
Have a little faith, and stop freakin' out.
You've got the power in your mind you've got to have no doubt.

You think that someday maybe, you'll outgrow the messes you get into
no one around, to clean up after you.
You made your bed, now lay in it. I gave you everything so let's not forget,
I was the one, who taught you regret.

Stop With The Games. You know there's no one to blame but you.
I was only tryin' to have a little fun, you're the one, who blew it all up.

And now you know the truth. Now you have the proof.
It's not a question of which side you see it from,
the facts don't lie so, don't even try.


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  • Im Talkin to You
    "I can see your emotion, tossing you around in the waves on your ocean.
    You want to run and hide every time I go by. How do you think that makes me feel?
    I know you cry. I know you try. I know you need more than you've got to get by.
    Hey. Yeah you. I'm Talkin' To You...."
  • This Ending
    "Ooh. You should have seen your face. it looked so out of place.
    And when you're wrong you're really wrong. And now I'm living it.
    How much longer were you gonna wait to let me know, that you wanted This Ending.
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  • Walk With Me
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    I'll be right by your side I'd be yours to hold...."
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    I know it's hard enough to think, while your mind is on your drink,
    have yourself another dream.
    See the hand we're dealt to play. Look at things a different way...."

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