Randy Travis - Oh, What A Time To Be Me Lyrics

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Artist: Randy Travis
Randy Travis Author
Song Title: Oh, What A Time To Be Me
Visits: 590
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Oh, what a time to be me

I'm sorry you're feeling so lonely
I know how hard it can be
You lost your one and your only
You told her you had to be free
You say that you think she's found somebody new
Who gives her the love that she needs
Now it's safe to say it's a bad day for you
But oh what a time to be me

You say that you just had to call her
To tell her you knew you were wrong
You're thinking you mis-dialed her number
Just because I answered the phone
I hate to be the one to have to break it to you
But you got it accurately
Now it's safe to say it's a bad day for you
But oh what a time to be me

Remember those kisses you used to receive
They sure feel good on my cheek
And now that you mentioned it, I can't believe
That anyone could ever leave a love so sweet

Now I truly hope that we can still be friends
It's hard to find a buddy like you
And you're more than welcome
But right now I get something to do
And oh by the way here's a message for you
Would you mind returning her key
There's somebody else that she's giving it to
And oh, what a time to be me

Remember those kisses you used to receive
They sure feel good on my cheek
And now that you mentioned it, I can't believe
That anyone could ever leave a love so sweet

Now I truly hope that we can still be friends
It's hard to find a buddy like you
And you're more than welcome
But right now I get something to do
And oh by the way here's a message for you
Would you mind returning her key
There's somebody else that she's giving it to
And oh, what a time to be me

Now it's safe to sa

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    "Well I've heard those city singers singin 'bout how they can love
    Deeper than the oceans higher than the stars above
    Well I come from the country and I know I ain't seen it all
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  • Is It Still Over?
    "Being without you has turned out to be so inconvenient
    And wishing I was with you just seems to use up all my time
    You've been gone so long that it's hard to recall
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  • Hard Rock Bottom Of Your Heart
    "Since the day I was led to temptation
    And in weakness did let your love down
    I have prayed that time and compassion
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  • He Walked On Water
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