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Fare Thee Well Song Lyrics
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Fare Thee Well
Music and lyrics by Jimmy Rankin
Fare thee Well, love
Fare thee Well, love
Far away, you must go.
Take your heart, love
Take your heart, love
Will we never meet again no more?
Far across, love
Far across, love.
O'er mountains and country wide
Take my heart, love
Take my heart, love
No one knows the tears I've cried.
So I'll drink today, love,
I'll sing to you, love
in pauper's glory, my time I'll bide
No home or ties, love,
A restless rover, if I can't have you
by my side.
Oh come back, love
Oh come back, love
The sun and moon
refuse to shine.
Since I've gone, love
Gone away love
this lonely girl has had no peace of mind
So I'll drink today, love,
I'll sing to you, love
in pauper's glory, my time I'll bide
No home or ties, love,
A restless rover, if I can't have you
by my side.
Fare thee well love, fare thee well love Fare thee well, fare thee well
Far away, you must go. Far away you must go.
Take my heart, love Take my heart
Take my heart, love Take your heart
Will we never meet again no more? Will we never meet again no more?
Will we never meet again no more? Will we never meet again no more
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