Rappin 4 Tay - I Paid My Dues Lyrics

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Artist: Rappin 4 Tay
Song Title: I Paid My Dues
Visits: 982
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Testing one two three four
Rappin 4 tay Rag Top records nineteen ninety six
West up let's do this

Yeah Four you done finally got that parole card
Yeah man that was long comeing trying get that man
I understand that Four but a lot of people don't know
what you've done been thru bro'
Man a brother done been in this rap game for ten years man
I've been from hell and back you know Frank
But what's gon' have to do is lay it down and lace it
up like a shoesbraim
Ok, like this here...

Aloud me to take you back down memory lane
When a player was so young in this rap game
Yeah, if you had a fight you best to knock a sucker out
Because moms wouldn't bout to let you in the house
Yeah, we had to throw em' in the days
Didn't have glock, never seen a twelve gatch
Wasn't no banging n' gang n' philly ate the defs
Brother had to go to school in the days to get a rep
Always wanted to bust a gang in theese raps
And be the first player to put Frisco on the map
So add this to the list of them hits
pappin knockin for the new year
Ima ved in this rappin and is you wet behind the ear
Shit, I even caught the San Quinton blues
Used to rock that motherfucker every night, I paid my dues

I talked the talk, but now Im walking the walk
What up, foe! Huh yeah! Yeah! What,what!

Im from the west but I don't ride the saller
Used to do a lot of battle,
but you money are make you chunk, rattle
Ever since the solarsystem boy club and house parties
Rap contest, a book of team, and it was everybody
snatching it taking it swop on stuff all the way home
Once me and O' hit the jets, man we was gone
Up the stairs to the vayking house, thats we're we prctice at
We didn't have a studio so man we had to work with that
No rie the rills no mic, just the radio
Papper on pin and I was in, the harder the ghetto
Trying to suit my dream, trying to make things right
I posted up at other people, shosed, beging to get the mic
I was kicking down doested, posted up, lock the fourty nine
As all I wanted to do was bust a rapping for the head line
They pushed me to the left, I said all right, that's cool
Now you're come and bookin' atch and everyday, I paid my dues

I talked the talk, but now Im walking the walk
What up, foe! Huh yeah! Yeah! What,what!

The differences you're talking about, the game
You see Im living in it
And all my folks R.I.P I see you in a minute
Before I cut I gots to shooking becuse Im still pist
For mom's states cort dates and the time I mist
A lot of deathudis and correction of a silledy
I kept they as up all night, but none they filling me
For banging on the walls and bust a rap of the top-tip
Bet you never though I be the entertainer of the year
But why not, cause I've got, what it takes to represent
Crack are be a hundred files, Im never hesetent
Jess as Franky J. they drove me an old school beat
Them funky instrument is'll kept me of the streets
They kept me modoveit, I was always undereit
I bet my real folks wouldn't survive when I made it
Plus I gave them didgets back to the parole board
So now Im cool, I'd been paid my dues

I talked the talk, but now Im walking the walk
What up, foe! Huh yeah! Yeah! What,what

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