RAR(Rappers Against Racism) - Only You Lyrics
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RAR(Rappers Against Racism) Singer Lyrics
Only You Song Lyrics
RAR(Rappers Against Racism)
Song Title:
Only You
Print Version
Yeah, ah, yeah, aha, yeah, what, only you baby, only you
I reminisce, and think of how we used to be,
I bought roses, we kissed and you were holding me,
walking down the streets of our hometown, getting down,
wasting money, just fooling around, we felt free,
like birds in the sky, I want you to get everything, if I should die
high on hopes on our own dreams and scenes
got a ticket for a ride to reach the bright side
baby, there's a better life, no tears, no fears, no hate, no strife, no pain
Yo, I'mma do the first,
You'll write me a letter that will ease my thirst
And then, sweetheart after you follow me
to the city of love, where we'll both gonna be
with a shy goodbye we made our own choice
as I sat on the train then I heard your sweet voice
All I needed was the love you gave
all I needed for another day
and all I ever knew
only you
All I needed was the love you gave (all I needed)
all I needed for another day (just one more day)
and all I ever knew
only you
(You and me)
I found a good job and a place to stay,
but luck's been missing since you left my way,
when I called you on the phone, you spoke so sweet,
of love, devotion, faith and how you missed me
but in the instance I begin to feel
that my mind's been played like a game on the wheel
stealing my heart, I see a man by your side,
giving you the life I tried but I couldn't provide
these dreams we shared are just souvenirs,
yours for glad laughters, and mine for sad tears,
last night we talked and you didn't say much,
I told you that I love you, you said We'll keep in touch
I sit back and remember how it used to be back then, you and me together again
those dreams and wishes are where they belong,
some in my heart, and the rest in your song
All I needed was the love you gave (all I needed)
all I needed for another day (for another day)
and all I ever knew(is only you)
only you
All I needed was the love you gave (all the day)
all I needed for another day (another day)
and all I ever knew
only you
Padadada, padadada, padadada, padadada (x2)
Padadada, padadada, padadada, padadada
All I needed was the love you gave
all I needed for another day
and all I ever knew
only you
All I needed was the love you gave (all I needed)
all I needed for another day (just one more day)
and all I ever knew
only you
Only You Lyrics
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