Ras Kass - Nature Of The Threat Lyrics

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Artist: Ras Kass
Song Title: Nature Of The Threat
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Let freedom ring with a buckshot but not just yet
We need to truly understand the nature of the threat
And a pale man walks in the threshold of darkness
Roughly 20 000 years ago the first humans evolved with
The phenotypical trait genetic recessive blue eyes blonde hair and
white skin
Albinism apparently was a sin to the original man Africans
So the mutants traveled north of the equator
Called Europeans later, the first race haters
So here's the devils' alpha to the beta
Cuz history's best qualified to teach one
Quoting German philosopher Schopenhauer
"Every white man is a faded or bleached one"
Migration created further mutation
Genetic drifts, evolution through recombination
Adaptation to the climate
As the Caucus Mountain man reverted to that of a primate
Savage Neanderthals until the late Paleolithic age
That's when the Black Grimaldi man came
With the symbol of the dragon
Fire and art
Check cave paintings in France and Spain to the Venus of Willendorf
Around 2000 B.C. southern Russians migrate in small units
Those who traveled west populated Europe
Those who went east settled in Iran, known as Aryans
1500 B.C. some crossed the Khyber pass into India and
Created Hinduism, the first caste system
The origins of racism
A white dot on the forehead meant elite
A black dot-the feet
Untrustable, untouchables
They wrote the holy Vedas in Sanskrit
That's the language that created Greek, German, Latin and English
Now the Minoans also around 2000 B.C.
Start on the island of Crete in the Agean Sea
The Greek culture begins Western Civilization
But "Western Civilization" means "White Domination"
Myceneans learned from Kemet, called Egypt in Greek
It had existed since at least 3000 B.C.
Creating geometry and astronomy
This knowledge influenced Plato, Socrates and Hippocrates
Cuz Imhotep the real real father of medicine
Was worshiped in Greece and Rome in the form of a Black African
The word Africa comes from the Greek Aphrike meaning "without cold"
The word philosophy means "love of knowledge"... stole from first man
Greek power expands
The first Greek fraternities band
The word gymnasium is Greek for "naked"
This was the place where adolescent boys were educated and molested
This was accepted cuz Greek culture was homosexual
for example, Sappho trained girls on the island of Lesbos
Hence, the word lesbian (let these muthafuckas know)
December 25, the birth of Saturn
A homosexual god, now check the historical pattern
December 25, now thought the birth of Christ
Was Saturnalia, when men got drunk, fucked each other then they beat
their wife
Fact is, it was still practiced, until they called it Christmas
So put a gerbil on your Christmas list

The Hellenistic Era, Alexander the Great
Conquers all the way to India leaving four successor states
By the Fifth century B.C.
R.O.M.E. succeeds to be
The conqueror of Egypt and Greece
But had the threat of the Black Phoenicians in Sicily
The Punic Wars began 264 B.C.
The Black general Hannibal and Carthaginian Peace
In 146 B.C. Carthage fell after a six-month siege
Rome sold every citizen into slavery, the first genocide in history
And more bisexuality in sight
Julius Caesar was known as "every woman's husband and every man's wife"
Spartacus Revolt-a slave rebellion that lost
Where 6,000 slaves got nailed on a cross...
Cross? Aw, shit! Jesus Christ!
Time for some-act-right
Christians get your facts right
Cuz Christ was not his name, that's Greek for "one who is anointed"
Yoshua Ben Yosef was his name, do Christians know this?
So who do you praise, do you know his name?
Or do you do this in vain?
Accepting the religion they gave slaves to behave
Peep the description of historian Josephus
Short, dark, with an underdeveloped beard was Jesus
He had the Romans fearing revolution
The solution was to take him to court and falsely accuse him
After being murdered by Pilate how can it be

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