Rascalz F/ Barrington Levy, K-OS - Top Of The World Lyrics
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Rascalz F/ Barrington Levy, K-OS Singer Lyrics
Top Of The World Song Lyrics
Rascalz F/ Barrington Levy, K-OS
Song Title:
Top Of The World
Print Version
[Barrington Levy]
In New York they wants me
And I'm gonna be there
Van-city's calling
And I'm gonna be there
In T-Dot, they wants me
And I'm gonna be there, spreading the vibes
All over the world
[Red 1]
Yo, all over the world, spread the vibe
Big dogs, from the West, we ride
With the war cry(?), me amigos at my side
Ready to take the world on, do or die
As the fly down low, lyrical Van Gogh
Stay international with the ill I-D-O
Money making flows, pesos from Mexico
To European ends and yens from Tokyo
Ammend for the years that we rocked skid row
In a trash bungaloo, trying to juggle our flow
But you know how the struggle go, life move slow
Yo, plus it's extra hard when you got no dough
But we strive on, mentality stay strong
Dropping bombs on the world from North West Saigon
Deep in the Babylon, def gawn won watch dem run
The heart is wicked and judgement soon come
[Barrington Levy] *ad-lib*
Now, this is a message in the bottle, like Robinson Caruso
I cant' feel the warmth of the sun, I'm like Pluto
So I open seven shakras, break the seven seals
Bust the dopest poetry rhyme just like Kaleel
Jebron, I bring the dawn to decepticons
It's that of the dreaded fist with Misfit and Red 1
I used to read the psalms and uhh, holy Koran
Now I only read the birds in the trees, then I'm gone
Like a breeze on a summer day, never run away
From the judgement day when armaggedeon come say
If I had 24 hours to live, here's what I'd do
I'd make everybody know G-O-D's inside of you
And spread love from Kelowna to Kalamazoo
'Cause no matter how many are called the choosen are few
[Barrington Levy]
In Paris, they want it
And I'm gonna be there
I hear Indes calling
And I'm gonna be there
In Japan, they're crying
And I'm gonna be there, spreading the vibe
All over the world
Oh yeah, so say, night and day
Well let me hit y'all with this one, words of the drum
Vocalize my lingo, let you all know where I'm from
Conscious of what goes 'round the world, chores(?) to be done
But still we sticking to the hip hop, constitution
Four elements, we taking it, with that we making it
Honeys be shaking it, my vibe relating it
To the DJs 'round the world *echo*, they can done
Spin this in their cipher, and you're sure of the number one spot
In my category, you'll be my heart
So pump that shit for me, through the intercity
So they can bug off the ill hop hop
The Rascalz crew, and you we just don't stop
So take it to the top, and rock the world with the hot onslaught
You can't leave, 'cause the rhythmn and rhyme got ya caught
[Barrington Levy]
Mother Africa wants me
And we're gonna be there
London City's calling
And I'm gonna be there
West Indes love we
And we're gonna be there, spreading the vibe
All over, all over, ohhyeah
Brazil, I hear you calling
The vibes is so right
Tell them already, we have to tell them again
Warn them already, we have to warn them again
Tell them already, we have to tell them again
Tell them already, we have to tell them again
Oh yeah!
The vibe is so right
Tell them they are ready, when you're ready, when you're ready
Tell them they are ready, when you're ready, when you're ready
When you're ready, when you're ready, when you're ready
The vibes is so nice
Top Of The World Lyrics
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