Rascalz F/ Esthero - Priceless Lyrics

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Artist: Rascalz F/ Esthero
Song Title: Priceless
Visits: 609
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[Red 1]
Strictly dollars, no problem
We going to let this moon rise
Feel the vibe

CHORUS [Red 1] {Misfit}
They say that everybody got a price
Through material lust, for the things nice
Better think twice
{Not everything can be bought or sold}
Certain things in this life money don't control

Yo, life itself in this world is priceless
Word to my nephew, my niece
The way I hold mic devices
With innate skill, don't be surprised kid
There is no denying, this is the way it should be done crisp
Yo I could never, be paid enough for this
So on the paper, will you might add be the palm shit
Today you could be mislead, by the fasaud of video life
And what a wack rapper said
But understand, thing is priceless
'Cause it enables one to see both sides of the coin kid
'Cause even if you got to lie, the best thing in life you might not buy
Like knowledge, knowledge of self
Knowledge of God, knowledge of health
Since the directions, step through and collect the pot of wealth
And that's for real, the truth I can't conceal
So I teamed up with Red just to let you know the deal
[Red 1]
Ayo for real, far gone way too vain
Them a run from reality to escape the pain
The salary the aim, no more rely on the brain
'Cause everything has a price when you have no shame
Everyone wants a life, the hard thing's to gain
Thinking what the can't have, money will obtain
But it ain't so simple and plain, know what I'm saying
It just ain't so simple and plain


[Red 1]
Yo survival of the fittest, to survive you need dough
But once you got dough, got to maintain a steady flow
And let it grow you know, add another zero
Yo from down in the ghetto, we bust through the door
Now accustomed to things, you wasn't before
Money showed you power you never felt when poor
To say money bring power, power with corruption
'Til corrupted to the point paralleled to destruction
Disgusted, mind full of lusting
Got mixed priorities, family love first thing
Praises due for life, from one morning
Because tomorrow's a site, not a guaranteed thing
So live to the fullest, make your moves to win
Cherish your brethren, nourish and love the children
Throw them positive, negative will kill them
Drafted to war for arrogant wicked men
But it's all unity, one world community
To divide is the recipe for our tragedy
So adequately you get yours I get mine
Take nothing for granted and walk a righteous line
Uhh, uh uh


Ayo, the love from a woman that ain't your mother
The sun, moon and Earth and what they yield is priceless
The morals that you pass down to kids is priceless
"That's why I always take time to write this"

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