Ratcat - I Think Were Alone Now Lyrics

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Artist: Ratcat
Song Title: I Think Were Alone Now
Visits: 657
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Children Behave, thats what they say
when were together and watch how you play
they don't understant and so were running
just as fast as we can,
holding onto one anothers hands
trying to get away into the night and then
you put your arms around me as we tumble to the ground
and then you say I think were alone now
there doesnt seem to be anyone around
I think were alone now,
the beating of our hearts is the only sound.

Look at the way we've gotta hide what were doing
because what would they say if they ever knew.
and so were running just as fast as we can,
holding onto one anothers hands
trying to get away into the night and then
you put your arms around me as we tumble to the ground
and then you say I think were alone now
there doesnt seem to be anyone around
I think were alone now,
the beating of our hearts is the only sound.

I think were alone now
there doesnt seem to be anyone around
I think were alone now,
the beating of our hearts is the only sound.*

{Repeat *4

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    You got me flying in a highway,..."
  • Credits
    "Produced July-August 1987, Blue Harbour Studios SYD.


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