Ratcat - Strange Lyrics

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Artist: Ratcat
Song Title: Strange
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I can't see what going wrong.
I have all the pieces to the puzzle,
but i can't seem to fit them all together.
I can't see whats going down.
I have the air, but not the lungs,
to hold my breath, to step inside,
to see what's going wrong.

How did i, how did I, end up such a mess ??
And the times that we spent together,
makes me feel so stange.

I can't find no sympathy.
I've held my breath for such a time,
I'm turning blue, but i can't see,
still what's going wrong.
I don't know why i fall down.
I stand up straight, I close my eyes,
as i walk towards and up the walls,
to the ceiling and the sky.

How did i, how did i, end up such a mess ??

And the times that we spent together,
makes me feel so stange.

I can't see what going wrong.
I have all the pieces to the puzzle,
but i can't seem to fit them all together.
I can't find no piece of mind.
I've looked in all the darkest places,
but all i seem to see, is see,
there is never two alike.

How did i, how did i, end up such a mess ??
And the times that we spent together,
makes me feel so stange.

{We have the pieces & I hold my breath & I fall down, you win

Strange Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Ratcat song Lyrics
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  • Chasing
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    I got a screaming tiger engine,
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    You got me flying in a highway,..."
  • Credits
    "Produced July-August 1987, Blue Harbour Studios SYD.


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