Rateofdepress - when a fad becomes fatal Lyrics

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Artist: Rateofdepress
Song Title: when a fad becomes fatal
Visits: 605
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(c) 2003

Suck another bit of passion out of life

Water down my train of thought

It's all f***in' meaningless now

Conform under one label

Replicate imitate the mainstream

No room for thinkin' here

Imagination crushed by fashion

New change just brings new fear

They never told me it could be this way

But it's over now

Construct a plan to lead us to higher ground

Is it too late now?

They never told me it could be this way

But it's over now

Construct a plan to lead us to higher ground

Is it too late now for us?

Steal another little piece of the game

Pollute the airwaves

With another manufactured movement

Your time is over

It's time for a resurge in talent

Revolution is in sight

All our brothers in the underground

It's time we stood and fight

They never told me it could be this way

But it's over now

Construct a plan to lead us to higher ground

Is it too late now?

They never told me it could be this way

But it's over now

Construct a plan to lead us to higher ground

Is it too late now for us?

Open your eyes

It just fell into my life

Spoon fed your sickness and forced to swallow your lies

There was no f***in' guidance in the first place

I was meant to find my own way

In this never ending trend I chose my way

I look around and it makes me sick to see the music industry like this consumed by greed, that's not how it used to be I remember when it was all about the music, not how many shirts you sold, who's got the best slogan what the f*** has it come to you f***? don't you know? music's not fashion

Music's not fashion

They never told me it could be this way

But it's over now

Construct a plan to lead us to higher ground

Is it too late now for us?

They never told me it could be this way

But it's over now

Construct a plan to lead us to higher ground

but it's too late now for us!

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    How could you let yourself go this far?
    No one on this earth can claim that they're perfect
    Let down the morals of life itself..."
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    Read all the lies they say
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    All the feelings of humanity..."

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