Rayvon - My Bad Lyrics
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My Bad Song Lyrics
Song Title:
My Bad
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Wha, bonjoura se?ora
No copese aah anglaisa
Well one word you will understand aah
Universal, no, N O, no no
I heard you be stressin
I hope that you really learnt a lesson
And realize that I was a blessin
You took my kindness for weakness and look at you now
Girl you're really fallin off on your dressin
You haven't shopped in a while I'm guessin
Tell me how you feel when your girls looking hot
And you know that you're not
Are you missing
The Bacardis and the parties and the Crissin
And the dinners at the spinners and the kissin
I know things ain't like they used to now that I'm gone
No more cruisin in the X-5
No more platinum cards
No more Versace on your backside
You're headed straight back to K-Mart
Remember when we used to go for boat rides
We used to have some beautiful laughs
I showed you my sensitive side
And you took it for me being soft
My bad (My Bad)
I should've treat you like the skank you are
Instead I have you riding up in my car
If I had stuck to my original plan
You'dve been a one night stand
My bad (My Bad)
I should've known you could never be true
I should've treat you like them other guys do
If you only knew who was cheatin too
You would see the jokes on you
My bad (My Bad)
You thought I was a dreamer
You thought you got me because I let you have my Beamer
Now who you think has been the real schemer?
When all of a sudden I'm hanging with all of your friends
Like Regina
Remember her, when last have you seen her
Well next time you do she'll be cleaner
Cause she will be rockin your jewels and pushing your Benz
No more days at the nail shop
No more tabs at the bar
And no more flossin in the drop top
So no more hanging with Stars
Remember when we used to go for boat rides
We used to have some beautiful laughs
I showed you my sensitive side
And you took it for me being soft
My bad (My Bad)
I should've treat you like the skank you are
Instead I have you riding up in my car
If I had stuck to my original plan
You'dve been a one night stand
My bad (My Bad)
I should've known you could never be true
I should've treat you like them other guys do
If you only knew who was cheatin too
You would see the jokes on you
My bad (My Bad)
I should've treat you like the skank you are
Instead I have you riding up in my car
If I had stuck to my original plan
You'dve been a one night stand
My bad
I should've known you could never be true
I should've treat you like them other guys do
If you only knew who was cheatin too
You would see the jokes on you
My bad
I should've treat you like the skank you are
Instead I have you riding up in my car
If I had stuck to my original plan
You'dve been a one night stand
My bad
I should've known you could never be true
I should've treat you like them other guys do
If you only knew who was cheatin too
You would see the jokes on you
My bad
My Bad Lyrics
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Some People
"Some people like walkin in the rain
Some people like to get way on a plane
Some people like to party every night,
But all I wanna do..."
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