Razed In Black - Cyberium (Endurance Mix) Lyrics

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Artist: Razed In Black
Song Title: Cyberium (Endurance Mix)
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 636
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(Cyberium, Cyberium)

Feel like jumping when you set the plank like I'll dive right down to hell
Feel like jumping when you tighten the noose, slip anyway, ring a bell?
Feel the pressure as the monkey mounts and he's fed along the way
Feel the absence, the void, the hurt, but I still decide to stay

I have the answer, I have the cure
I have the remedy, I will endure


Don't mind choking when you're gripping tight and the only thing left is me
Don't mind hanging when tonite aint right, did it as many times as I've breathed
Don't mind putting my neck on the line to feed him and not to see you bleed
Don't mind taking my punishment even though I'm not guilty

Why do you scream with all your might when your screaming to nothing
Why do you fear when I turn out the light when its not out of reach
Why do you rave about stupid lies when there's no truth left in these
Why do you cum before I start I'm not even in your panties

(i Have the remedy, I have the cure)
(Cyberium, cyberium)

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Other Razed In Black song Lyrics
  • Black
    "Feeling the kiss
    Enchanted by pain
    Burned by the touch
    Immortal by flame..."
  • Control
    "she's mass destruction
    forces induction
    no repercussions
    she's got to have one..."
  • N.D. Nyl
    "I made up those lies
    I could not deny
    I made Mary cry
    She wants him to die..."
  • Just Let It Go
    "always saying no when all he needs is some affection
    loosing my mind over the way everything in my life is run
    taking the blame when I suffer all that was done..."
  • Pursuit
    "Fight hard, creature's approaching
    to pick out the chosen, wipe out the few
    Shake off, the breath of the breathless
    the needle is poking, promises left untrue..."
  • Future Unknown
    "I deceive you- innocently
    I receive you- patiently
    Who do you think I am?
    Is Billy Boy really a man?..."
  • Whats Fair
    "You said I hurt you
    The pain I feel still burns
    You said I neglect you let things by with no concern
    You said that I don't care..."
  • Power
    "Feel the rush
    feel the pain
    feel the thrust
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Shrieks, Laments & Anguished Cries" album, click "Razed In Black Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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