Razor - Brass Knuckles Lyrics

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Artist: Razor
Razor Author
Album: Shotgun Justice (1990)
Razor - Shotgun Justice Album
Song Title: Brass Knuckles
Genre: Metal
Visits: 621
Print Version

Pressure is building inside
Strengthening desire to kill
Tension rips through my veins
increasing hardcore hatred my will
Angered. I reach in my coat
My fingers find my weapon of brass
Planting. my fist in your face
A violence fix, I'm kicking your ass
Punch out your lights
Fist fighting every night
Fractured. your face
Left you a total disgrace
No one knows the life I've been living
No one really fucking cares
I used to try and mind my own business
Until I saw society stare
I took a look around at the world we both see
And all I saw were losers and scum
People living lives with no meaning
Alcoholics sucking down rum
Businessmen in suits with no purpose
Politicians milking the crowd
Family men just working their balls off
Old folks with their tv's too loud
My parents wish that I was a doctor
At least a person they could respect
My parents want to know why I turned out wrong
They wont to know why I'm not correct
All I can say Is that I live my way
And if that doesn't satisfy you
I'II wear my pair of solid brass knuckles
And I'II use 'em 'til my time is through

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Other Razor song Lyrics
  • The End
    "Give me the claw that rips at my side
    Screaming with pleasure, spikes poking my eyes
    Hustlers and losers scrapping in vain
    Drinking the blood that's drawn from my brain..."
  • Killer Instinct
    "Jimi the fly, he couldn't decide, was crossing a deadly line
    Feelin' the heat, the word on the street was a contract for his life
    He knew all along, if he sung the song, he'd scratch doing time
    Stepped up to bat, squealed like a rat, now he's running for his life..."
  • Hot Metal
    "Power and mayhem, the onslaught begins
    Fist rises up to the sound
    We tear up the stage with our violence and speed
    And bring the Iron Hammer down..."
  • Armed And Dangerous
    "Take to the air, take to the seas
    There's no one left to answer your pleas
    We're going to start a new revolution
    And heavy metal is our constitution..."
  • Take This Torch
    "Victims of technology, trapped in future plans
    Acting without asking, won't meet our demands
    Stuck walking the straight line, opinions overthrown
    Deep inside we feel it, chills us to the bone..."
  • Ball And Chain
    "She's on fire with her nasty reputation
    I stood back just to view the situtation
    She set the trap and I fell right in
    Now I'm living in her world of sin..."
  • Fast and Loud
    "Beneath the dampened soil lies a terror from the past
    The rotting corpses of the damned where evil has been cast
    A deathly curse surrounding all the ancient graves and tombs
    Lightning strikes, evil night, start the dreaded turmoil..."
  • Cross Me Fool
    "Yes, you loser, I caught up with you
    You didn't think I knew where you lived
    You tried to hide but you couldn't avoid
    The violent gift that I have to give..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Shotgun Justice" album, click "Razor Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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