Razor - Take This Torch Lyrics

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Artist: Razor
Razor Author
Album: Armed And Dangerous (1984)
Razor - Armed And Dangerous Album
Song Title: Take This Torch
Genre: Rock
Visits: 828
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Victims of technology, trapped in future plans
Acting without asking, won't meet our demands
Stuck walking the straight line, opinions overthrown
Deep inside we feel it, chills us to the bone
Society's own children, bodies whitout voice
Decisions made without us, as if we had a choice
Controlled intervention, who are we to trust?
We must get back the power, our freedom gained a must
Survival is our interest, no question of remand
Survival of the fittest, our lives are in their hands
We beg and we plea for some understanding
A sense of awareness is all we're demanding
Twisting the truth to protect their own
The blunt of raw deals is all we've been shown
The echoes of crying, the innocent dying
An evil force reigns so supreme
With sheer devastation, corrupt motivations
They've shattered our unendless dreams
Our brains have been scattered, our blood has been splattered
And no one is telling us why
These things are forbidden, they're keeping it hidden
And sending our youth off to die
We've tried to find out, hear our screams and our shouts
We're building in force by the hour
We will rise above, forsake glory and love
Their half-hearted lives we'll devour
Blinded by power, they are obsessed
With public supremacy they are possessed
Dictatorship flourishes beyond our control
Poverty stricken, now death takes it's toll
Lost inside ourselves, our inner feelings can't be shown
Cast aside as if nothing matters but their own
Force of one rules over, paralyzing life set still
Brainwashed minds diminish captors for their thrill
Who will win the final battle of death or suicide
Thoughts of human independence, warriors of youth will ride
Seeking out a common mainstream, driven by restricte

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Other Razor song Lyrics
  • The End
    "Give me the claw that rips at my side
    Screaming with pleasure, spikes poking my eyes
    Hustlers and losers scrapping in vain
    Drinking the blood that's drawn from my brain..."
  • Killer Instinct
    "Jimi the fly, he couldn't decide, was crossing a deadly line
    Feelin' the heat, the word on the street was a contract for his life
    He knew all along, if he sung the song, he'd scratch doing time
    Stepped up to bat, squealed like a rat, now he's running for his life..."
  • Hot Metal
    "Power and mayhem, the onslaught begins
    Fist rises up to the sound
    We tear up the stage with our violence and speed
    And bring the Iron Hammer down..."
  • Armed And Dangerous
    "Take to the air, take to the seas
    There's no one left to answer your pleas
    We're going to start a new revolution
    And heavy metal is our constitution..."
  • Ball And Chain
    "She's on fire with her nasty reputation
    I stood back just to view the situtation
    She set the trap and I fell right in
    Now I'm living in her world of sin..."
  • Fast and Loud
    "Beneath the dampened soil lies a terror from the past
    The rotting corpses of the damned where evil has been cast
    A deathly curse surrounding all the ancient graves and tombs
    Lightning strikes, evil night, start the dreaded turmoil..."
  • Cross Me Fool
    "Yes, you loser, I caught up with you
    You didn't think I knew where you lived
    You tried to hide but you couldn't avoid
    The violent gift that I have to give..."
  • Legacy of Doom
    "Mount your stag, my sword is waiting
    A duel, we're gonna have it out
    Follow paths where the night lets you travel
    Through frost and the echoing shouts..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Armed And Dangerous" album, click "Razor Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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