Razorlight - Golden Touch Lyrics

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Artist: Razorlight
Razorlight Author
Album: Up All Night (2004)
Razorlight - Up All Night Album
Song Title: Golden Touch
Genre: Indie
Visits: 854
Print Version

I know a girl with the golden touch
She's got enough, she's got too much
But I know, you wouldn't mind
You could have it all if you wanted
You could have it all if it mattered so much
But then all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, they're your friend
But then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
We know what they mean
Well they mean, they're just jealous
Because they never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

That kind of girl, yes she's never alone
You leave a thousand messages on her phone
But you know you never get through
And you could have it all if you wanted, girl
You could have it all if it matters to you

But then all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, they're your friend
But then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
Oh we know what that means
Well it means they're just jealous
But they'll never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

I saw my girl with the golden touch
Give 'em a taste but not too much
I just can't listen to the words of fools
I don't give away too much
Someone will need your golden touch

Because all they know is how to put you down
When you're there, they're your friend
And then when you're not around
They say, "Oh, she's changed"
And we know what that means
Well it means they're just jealous
But they'll never do the things
That they wish that they could do so well

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Other Razorlight song Lyrics
  • Leave Me Alone
    "Oh when did you decide
    To start living like it's suicide
    And wasting all my time
    And messing up my mind..."
  • Get It and Go
    "We talked all night about suicide and she said
    If this is living, how come I never feel alive?
    The first time you're there, it really gets you up
    Second times are alright..."
  • In the City
    "Well it's a close one, a real close one
    And no-one gets hurt, but she's got twice the fun
    But now they kiss in the rain
    And did someone call out someone's name..."
  • Hang by, Hang By
    "I just got off the plane about ten minutes ago
    And I'm nine drinks down, I've got nowhere to go
    But I ride a single star
    That generates no heat in your hand..."
  • To the Sea
    "Away and away, over bridges and sighs
    And on and on, on and on
    She keeps it all locked up right inside
    While up above, where the looking glass skies..."
  • Fall Fall Fall
    "Midnight?s calling
    Are you close behind?
    Midnight?s calling
    Are you close behind?..."
  • Vice
    "Wild is the wind that strips away our sins
    Yours is the night, but you don't know where to begin
    But I heard you say
    You've got a feeling that it's just around the bend..."
  • Up All Night
    "I lost the sacred feeling but I
    Made a couple of friends and now
    Our things have never looked so good
    Our things have never been so clear..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Up All Night" album, click "Razorlight Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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