Rearview Mirror - Stronger Before Lyrics

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Artist: Rearview Mirror
Song Title: Stronger Before
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Tell me that again because I'm hoping I heard you wrong the first time.
How could you really think that we are gaining some kind of success and priority?
Such a fool to keep holding on and holding back.
Can't wait forever it's all crashing?If they only knew that there is something wrong.
We should've been farther than this by now.
The only news we ever hear from them is bad.
We were stronger before this all.
We don't need, we don't need this?So tell me that again what we are waiting for
and tell me why we are waiting for it.
Now you really think that this delay is somehow our fault?If they only knew that there is something wrong.
We should've been farther than this by now.
The only news we ever hear from them is bad.
We were stronger before this all.
We don't need, we don't need this.
We don't need this anymore?Think back to at the start a single line is bent.
Break the order and the old routines are lost.
So many intentions melted in the light.
Worked through this and put everything else behind.
And I'm caught, I'm caught?It's a disappointment and for now.
And it's a disappointment and for now.
Everyday up and down, back and forth, pushing pulling.
You know it now that you're stalling.
Move over and stop stopping us.
We're gonna breathe and grow.
Everyday you want us back in present tense.
Memories which leave me in disgust.
Such a disappointment that for now you're stalling.
And everyone knows you're stalling.
You're stalling and everyone knows you're stalling,
and everyone knows you're stalling.
Stop stopping us.

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Other Rearview Mirror song Lyrics
  • 28-7
    "Locked away, no chance to explain yourself.
    Tomorrow is the day.
    Last summer, fences put up to keep you out, to keep you.
    All these dreams, all these dreams, all these dreams?Clouds show me ways to keep from overdoing things...."
  • All Lights Off
    "Vacated conscience, exposed for the fraud I've been most of my life.
    I paid to fix this, from the start I faked everything so surprise.
    Sitting, living, more amazed that I'm still breathing.
    Forming, informing, everyone's welcome in my home?I stand in the shadows and I am fine...."
  • Animal
    "You're such?Hurt you, I'd like to see you cry.
    Won't you tell me another lie?
    Attraction fades with distractions made.
    Because I hate your attitude, it's so strange,..."
  • Blade
    "Right now you're missing the point,
    and I'm screaming in your ear
    but you don't acknowledge me standing here by myself.
    Nothing is holding me up, talking me through this game...."
  • City Walls
    "Confused, what's this?
    But my own fantasy.
    My own dreams are standing against me.
    Desperate to see how this could turn so horribly wrong..."
  • Dead Air
    "Fixated on the past, the heroes all dissolved.
    You know they already carved your name upon the stone.
    Now turn away and crack the timing it is perfect.
    'Cause no one here regrets and no one ever mourning...."
  • Guilty
    "This plan of yours it's so devious.
    You will get caught see what you did to us.
    I'll watch and laugh as you crash and burn.
    To hell and back, yes you will take your turn...."
  • In The Beginning
    "You're not above
    and nothing is real subtle
    when you speak.
    You let them in quick..."

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