Rebecca St. James - God Lyrics

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Artist: Rebecca St. James
Rebecca St. James Author
Album: Wait for Me: The Best from Rebecca St. James (2003)
Rebecca St. James - Wait for Me: The Best from Rebecca St. James Album
Song Title: God
Genre: Pop
Visits: 975
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He made the night
He made the day
Spread the earth upon the water
Made the heavens and the rain
Look at the sky see its design
The very same creator is the one who gave us life
What is man that He's mindful of us?
We're merely clay in his hands
What am I that He loves me so much He would die
All that I can say is...

It's GOD truly GOD
Can you see can you hear can you touch can you feel
It's GOD truly GOD
I can't explain any other way cuz its GOD

Inside us all there is a void
All mankind is searching for the one who fills the soul
In Him there's hope, In Him there's life
The world cries for a savior that's right before their eyes
What is man that He takes us in as His children to be his own
And what are we that He wants to be our Father
All that I can say is...

It's GOD truly GOD
Can you see can you hear can you touch can you feel
It's GOD truly GOD
I can't explain any other way cuz it's GOD

Lord I praise you for your endless love
Your boundless grace
I stand here amazed.....

It's GOD truly GOD
Can you see can you hear can you touch can you feel
It's GOD truly GOD
I can't explain any other way cuz it's GOD


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Other Rebecca St. James song Lyrics
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    Alone and afraid
    But You came close to me
    And I'm forever changed..."
  • Expressions Of Your Love
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    The thunder roars and the rain it falls
    Over fields, over streasms, over us, You're..."
  • Pray
    "verse 1
    Jesus, I am broken now
    Before you I fall I lay me down
    All I want is you my Lord..."
  • Mirror
    "May the words of my mouth please you
    dear God
    May the thoughts of my heart say to you
    All that I desire is to be with you forever..."
  • Wait For Me
    "Darling did you know that I
    I dream about you
    Waiting for the look in your eyes
    When we meet for the first time..."
  • Yes I Believe In God
    "Whatever the cost
    From this day on-until forever
    I will take the narrow road
    For I am not alone..."
  • Song of Love
    "Jesus, king of my heart
    Father, my peace and my light
    Spirits, the joy of my soul You are
    Jesus, to You none compare..."
  • Speak To Me
    "Speak to me Lord for Your child is here listening
    Speak to me Lord for Your child is here waiting on you
    Unveil my eyes let me see... see You..."
  • ...Show All
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