Rebellion - The Prophecy Lyrics

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Artist: Rebellion
Rebellion Author
Album: A Tragedy In Steel: Shakespeare's Macbeth (2002)
Rebellion - A Tragedy In Steel: Shakespeare
Song Title: The Prophecy
Visits: 835
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We ride all alone from the battlefield

The rebels beaten they had to yield

Banquo and I we silently ride

Brothers in arms side by side


There s a fog which falls on the weary soul

It engulfs our souls as we head for home

The lands we pass we ve never seen

Clad in a twilight like a dream


Out of the shade three women rise

Appear in features that please the eye

How can such grace walk the earth

Can it be of human birth


Their eyes glowing with unearthly light

Shining like diamonds in the falling night

They hail our names as we greet

Their voices sound like music sweet


A Prophecy for great ambitions

A promise weaved in gold

Evil speaks a pleasant language

The Evil speak a pleasant language

A Prophecy is told


Hail Hail Hail Macbeth

Thane of Claims and Cawdor

and Master of death

All Hail Macbeth we greet thee with laughter

Hail Macbeth thou shalt be king hereafter


We bid them stay as they did turn

More about our fate to learn

Too sweet did their visions sound

To ambitious men for glory bound


They turned to Banquo and hailed his name

Revealing to him the greatest fame

My brother listened pleased and well

To the promises they had to tell


Hail Banquo hail to thee

Lesser than Macbeth yet greater thou It be

Father of a line of kings to come

Hail to Banquo the chosen one


Macbeth the Thane of Glamis has won a great victory,

beating the rebels in a fierce battle he did a great service to his King

and his country As King Duncan gains knowledge of this he decides to reward

the most noble deeds of his greatest warrior.

He bestons the Thanehood of Cawdor on Macbeth

To express his gratitude even further Duncans decides to visit Macbeth and to celebrate

the victory together with its honourable protagonist.

Naught does the king know about the witches prophecies

and the ambitions of the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor Naught does he fear

as he in best spirits approaches the stronghold of Macbeth.

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