Recess Monkeyz - The One That Will Make You Think Lyrics

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Artist: Recess Monkeyz
Song Title: The One That Will Make You Think
Visits: 592
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First riff of our summer,
Let our hearts run parallel,
So many things to tell you,
That our hearts can?t even see,
Feel the chords, these changes,
Burrow up inside,
Take comfort in your reflection
Tell me what you?ll find

Inside your heart,
Are the words that you?ll forever mean,
Can?t shake this off,
Or stand against the test of time

First riff of our summer,
Let our hearts run parallel,
So many things to tell you,
That our hearts can?t even see,
Feel the chords, these changes,
Burrow up inside,
Take comfort in your reflection
Tell me what you?ll find

Inside your heart,
Are the words that you?ll forever mean,
Can?t shake this off,
Or stand against the test of time

Inside your heart,
Are the words that you?ll forever mean,
Can?t shake this off because,
You know that I?ll be waiting there.

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Other Recess Monkeyz song Lyrics
  • Fall
    "To tear apart,
    And be judgemental,
    Is something I, could never be
    So, I?ll take advantage of this..."
  • My Place
    "Sit with me and watch the world go by,
    Could feel anything,
    But it?s distempered by your eyes,
    Your words,..."
  • Oblivious
    "Why, are, these feelings all locked inside?
    Cant, do much else to compromise
    All those feelings I had for you
    Why the disregard?..."
  • Selfless
    "Awkward and uneasy,
    You know that I?d kill for you
    I never thought it?d hurt so much,
    Just to have you as a friend,..."
  • Seventeen
    "Passionate, about something that?s always been there,
    Agree that it?s much too fair,
    Slip into a comfort zone and numb your sweetness,
    Can?t you feel this building up inside my head?..."
  • Somewhere In Between
    "Everything that you do,
    Everything that you say,
    Seems to catch me somewhere in between,
    Set to go from the start,..."
  • Three Words Mean Shit To You
    "Im gona miss all the shit we never did
    Nice to know that Im rejected once again,
    I cant keep in time,
    What was I so out of line?..."

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