Red Butt Closeup - That Stuff Lyrics

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Artist: Red Butt Closeup
Song Title: That Stuff
Visits: 554
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We never saw them coming, but there they were
Hard to shake but not so hard to find (these days)
I see them walking around, all fucked up, for nothing
Unnatural creatures of the night
They should be buried six feet below the ground
Instead they have the audacity to walk around
Long dead heroes walk again
Rusty swords and naked bones
Ancient wardrobes, pointed teeth
All of mankind on their knees
Walking corpses, open graves
feel the stench of rotting flesh,
Wrapped in ribbons, sealed in tombs
casting curses for long forgotten gods
for their numbers
for their hordes
Undead warriors under a banner of might
Marching out to end all light
The wheels of hell will grind indefinitely
The devils own, set out tonight
Rise up from the dirt, don't stay behind
Retribution soon will follow
Blood will be drawn from those who struck you down
Oblivion will bide your time
They can't stand that I'm superior
They deeserve to die, you're nothing but animals
Nothing but swine, you can't bring me down.
The only way to stay alive
Repent your sins you'll pay with
You'll reap the hate you saw
You can't bring me down.
Rise, rise, rise
From the dust
Rise, rise, rise
From the dirt
Rise, rise, rise
from the soil
Rise, rise, rise
from your grave.
Wake up come and serve me
Let fear be your lance
Your sword will cut the masses
as you roam this city's nights
Your weakness is the needle
combined with thread and salt
You're deepest fearre the seas
It's all the sunset's fault
You've seen the picture, you

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Other Red Butt Closeup song Lyrics
  • Chainsawlten
    "B. NelsonA. Red
    Vendredi soir et aucune envie
    Aucune notion de temps
    L'impression que seule l'ennui..."
  • Grand Father
    "Picture a man
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    let's calll him??..Glenn..."
  • Hunt
    "It's hard to see the sun go down
    Watching out through covered windows
    It's hard to hear the slightest sound
    behind these padded walls..."
  • Maleorder
    "Little princess in your neat dress
    come inside oh won't you come inside
    let me show you what I have
    let me show you what I am..."
  • Mine is Sweeter
    "I am the manhood in reincarnation, I am tough like a true marine
    I beat my lovers to show my strength, I believe in discipline
    I have a little tip for you; become a man and you will see
    it truly is the only way to be sharp and perfect just like me..."
  • Proverb
    "Get out of my way, don't come near me bitch
    you almost broke me but it's not sufficient
    I'm on my way up now and I'll cling to every throat in sight
    including yours..."
  • Reverb
    "Honor the craft of death, cause your armor is your soul.
    If a job's worth doing it's worth dying for.
    Our thoughts light the darkness, that others may cross space.
    It's not in my mind to ask questions that can't be answered...."
  • Song for the Living Dead
    "March forward
    March towards the guns
    March forward
    March towards glory and fun..."

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