S2s - my sista Lyrics

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Artist: S2s
Song Title: my sista
Visits: 944
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She, won't get off the phone, she won't leave me alone
When I'm talking to that guy
She, can be a real nightmare, gets me to do her hair
And says it never turns out right
But then I put on a face, she can tell
Cause she knows me so well

Closer than my closest friend, someone who will be there till the end
My sister, sister
Deeper than the deepest sea, no one loves you like your family
My sister, sister

She, reads my diary, she borrows clothes from me
And I never get them back again
And she (and she), locks the bath room door, says five minutes more
And an hour later i'm still not in
And sometimes we fight, every family does (oh yeah)
But that can't change our love

Closer than my closest friend, someone who will be there till the end
My sister, sister
Deeper than the deepest sea, no one loves you like a family
My sister, sister

To celebrate the good times, to help me through the hard times
To bring me down to earth, remind me what's important
And who comes first? Who comes first?
Gotta tell me who I'm talking 'bout
My sister, sister
(Oh yeah) and who comes first? Ain't no doubt about it
My sister, sister

She, watches out for me, I know she'l always be
By my side (by my side)

Closer than my closest friend, someone who will be there till the end
My sister, sister
Deeper than the deepest sea, no one loves you like a family
My sister, sister
Closer than friend, someone who will be there till the end
My sister, sister
Deeper than the deepest sea, no one loves you like a family
My sister, sister

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Other S2s song Lyrics
  • Count On Me
    "When you're feeling down
    Feeling pushed around
    And you just want to break down and cry
    When you can't be strong and you can't carry on..."
  • Differently
    "We see it differently
    it's what I love about you and me
    If we disagree
    Here's my point of view..."
  • Falling For You
    "I thought we had a friendship
    but you wanted more
    did laugh when you said what are hearts for
    we were always together, I just could not see..."
  • Friend Of Mine
    "I'm a lucky girl, got someone in this world
    To tell my deepest secrets to
    Fortunately, I got someone in my life
    And that someone is you..."
  • How Could You Doubt Me
    "I know that you've been hurt before
    and everything you do shows me that you're insecure
    just listen to your heart whispering my name
    'cause all we really have in this world..."
  • My Baby
    "My baby
    The way he treats me
    If you knew
    You'd want him too..."
  • Never Like That
    "When did it get so hard to pick up the phone?
    we were never like that, never baby
    when did it get so hard for you to come around?
    we were never like that, never like that..."
  • Sister
    "She, won?t get off the phone, she won?t leave me alone
    When I'm talking to that guy
    She, can be a real nightmare, gets me to do her hair
    And says it never turns out right..."

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