S Club 7 - Friday Night Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> S>> S Club 7 Singer Lyrics>> Friday Night Song Lyrics
Artist: S Club 7
S Club 7 Author
Album: S Club 7 (1999)
S Club 7 - S Club 7 Album
Song Title: Friday Night
Genre: Dance: Pop
Visits: 695
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Help us get this started
everyone's excited
we'll spend the whole time groovin'
cause what we really like
is to party on Friday night

I got my friends and we're here to groove... naaa naa etc
Nothing's wrong aint nuthin' to prove
don't need no cash just bring a friend
cause we're gonna party all night again

1 can make a party
2 is not enough to get down
3 you still get lonely cause tonight's the night for crowds

You can make it better
We can help a little bit too
us and you together there ain't nothin' we can't do

Help us get this started
cause it's time to call your friends
everyone's excited
cause it's Friday night again
we'll spend the whole time grrovin'
just like we do
cause what we really like
is to party on Friday night

schools all out now it's time to play... naa naaa etc
weekends come like a holiday
best thing is that I got my crew
and if you want you can join us too

1 can make a party
2 is not enough to get down
3 you still get lonely cause tonight's the night for crowds

You can make it better
We can help a little bit too
us and you together there ain't nothin' we can't do

Help us get this started
cause it's time to call your friends
everyone's excited
cause it's Friday night again
we'll spend the whole time grrovin'
just like we do
cause what we really like
is to party on Friday night

Monday, Tuesday come and go
Wednesday, Thursday sometimes slow
Friday comes (just) like a dream
we'll party untill it's time to leave

1can make a party
2 is not enough to get down
3 you still get lonely cause tonight's the night for crowds

You can make it better
We can help a little bit too
us and you together there ain't nothin' we can't do

Help us get this started
cause it's time to call your friends
everyone's excited
cause it's Friday night again
we'll spend the whole time grrovin'
just like we do
cause what we really like
is to party on Friday night

Friday Night Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other S Club 7 song Lyrics
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    When the world is on your sholders
    Just smile and let it go
    If people try to put you down..."
  • Youre My Number One
    "Na na na na..
    What is love, cos baby I don't know
    I got a funny feeling in my heart
    If this is love - it feels like butterflies..."
  • Two In A Million
    "Out of all the boys, you're not like the others
    From the very first day
    I'd knew we'd be lovers
    in my wildest dreams, my darkest desire..."
  • S Club Party
    "S Club
    Gonna show you how
    Everybody get down tonight
    S Club..."
  • Everybody Wants Ya
    "I get this feeling as you walk away
    a million hearts will break in two
    but they don't know the games that you can play
    so they will always follow you..."
  • Viva La Fiesta
    Oh wey,oh wey,
    Viva la fiesta,..."
  • Gonna Change The World
    "I wanna change the world...
    But I know I have to start with me...can you help me?
    When your world is closin like it's comin at
    When your at the darkest corner..."
  • I Really Miss You
    "I called you today just to here you say your not around
    When the message was through. though I wanted to
    I couldn't make a sound
    I wanna tell you the things I've seen..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "S Club 7" album, click "S Club 7 Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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