Sabbat - Wildfire Lyrics

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Artist: Sabbat
Sabbat Author
Album: Dreamweaver (Reflections Of Our Yesterdays) (1989)
Sabbat - Dreamweaver (Reflections Of Our Yesterdays) Album
Song Title: Wildfire
Genre: Metal: Thrash
Visits: 687
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In thoughts from visions of the night,
when deep sleep falleth out of sight.
Many a strange thing will you dream -
though it is never what it seems

Awakened from my troubled sleep -
where dreams once lost as
nightmares creep,
to steal my soul and suffocate
what sanity remains.
My anger mute -
my anguish blind
within this sad fragmentmented mind,
your eyes the spark to light fire
that burns away my pain.

Protected by reality-
yet you still fear the beast in me,
your reckless tongue could be the key,
you'll be the first to die
if it breaks free.

Alone tonight-
myself and I,
on raven wings our spirits fly.
All hope has fallen out of sight,
without the wit or will to fight.
I face up to my destiny-
you'll see another side to me,
a love that dare not speak it's
name is born tonight of sweat and
flame and ...

Wildfire - hallucinations
fill my mind with
Wildfire - a love so strong
that it is blind.
Wildfire - a dream of such
Wildfire - it verges on

Protected by reality-
yet you still fear the beast in me,
your reckless tongue could be the key,
you'll be the first to die
if it breaks free.

In screams of raw emotion
down my cheeks the tears flow,
with my tongue tied I damn these
eyes that let my feelings show.

Bursting with frustration -
feel the cancer eat my mind,
flirting with damnation -
to all dangers I am blind.
Twisted and contorted -
forsaken and forlorn,
like the love you have aborted -
yet tonight I am reborn in ...

Wildfire - we're like the
spider and the fly,
Wildfire- upon your web
ensnared am I.
Wildfire - bound by threads
that hold me tight,
Wildfire, so sweet the kiss
so cruel the bite.
How could you be such a fool,
to dare to break the golden rule?
Yet in the light of day I see
that you were right -
the fool is me!
In screams of raw emotion
down my cheeks the tears flow,
with my tongue tied I damn these
eyes that let my feelings show.

Bursting with frustration -
feel the cancer eat my mind,
flirting with damnation -
to all dangers I am blind.
Twisted and contorted -
forsaken and forlorn,
like the love you have aborted -
yet tonight I am reborn.

Now muy futile cries for help
are drowned in laughter.
Searching though I know I'll
never find what I'm after.

I seek a release from this
web of deciet -
now my terror is growing.
There is no escape
from my fate
it's too late -
all my fears are showung.
Though I'm running from
something that just isn't there -
the panic is real,
and you must be blind for
my words cannot hide the
heartache I feel ...

Please God help me now

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