Sabbath Black - Time Machine 410 Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> S>> Sabbath Black Singer Lyrics>> Time Machine 410 Song Lyrics
Artist: Sabbath Black
Sabbath Black Author
Song Title: Time Machine 410
Visits: 636
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Oh what are you gonna do
When there's a part of you
That needs to run with the wind

And the fire of burning yesterdays
Can only light the way
To lead you from
The garden of the dark
Stay out of shadows

Now look like the change is on
Tomorrow's never gone
Today just never comes

Go on and jump,yeah
Into the hurricane
You will forger the pain
It's only there
To exorcise your mind

Looking at the world
When you've open up your eyes
You've got to see the promises they've made
They're bloody lies and broken dreams
Your silence screams

You're living in a time machine
And you can choose just who you are
Someone that you've never seen
Somewhere you've never been
You're living in a time machine

Oh what are you gonna do
When every part of you
Just needs to catch the wind

And the fire of burning yesterdays
Can only light the way
To lead you from
The garden of the dark

Looking for the world
When you've opened up your eyes
You'll see you've got invisible chains
They're only lies
Not what it seems
I hear your silent screams

You're living in a time machine
Nobody cares just where you go
Taken where you've never been
??? somewhere you don't know

You're living in a time machine
Why do you stay who you are
Be what you've never been
Someone you've never seen
You're living in a time machine

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    Another day on the round about
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  • Wishing Well
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    You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
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  • Devil And Daughter
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    Devil and Daughter are both on their way
    The evil of her nature collects in her eyes
    With him there's no fear of the dawn bringing light..."
  • When Death Calls
    "He saw the world, dim with the glow of the vertical sun
    His skin crept cold knowing that this was the hours of dying
    Misguided mortals, you'll burn with me
    Spirit of man, cannot be freed...."

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