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Beyond All Horizons Song Lyrics
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Other Sacramentum song Lyrics | Fogs Kiss "In a land of clouded dreams I travel, riding winds over ancient paths. Soft melancholy voices whisper over places where no one ever laughed...." | Far Away from the Sun "In a deep dark forest, In solitude I'm having my rest. In the deep dark ancient, where my blood not will be frozen,..." | Blood Shall Be Spilled "In a faded dream where sleep is eternal, oceans of blackness carry me with pride. Naked am I sleeping beyond all horizons, where endlessness is all..." | When Night Surrounds Me "I see creations from the very depth of my soul. I hear the voices from the very depth of my mind...." | Cries from a Restless Soul "Hate prevails, vicious waters has begun to stir inside my soul. Allow yourself to feel the purity of your primal essence...." | Obsolete Tears "I was seduced by the moon when I wondered through my thoughts On the path to my dreams of unholyness, an everenfolding milky fog appeared..." | The Vision and the Voice "Mighty forests speak of tales that have fallen into oblivion. Shadows of ancient mountains is reflecting the past...." | Far Away from the Sun, Part 2 "I travel as I sleep, funeral silence is cast over me. As I sleep I feel the night embrace me and I float under a black sky without stars...." | |
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