Sacred Reich - Breakthrough Lyrics

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Artist: Sacred Reich
Sacred Reich Author
Song Title: Breakthrough
Visits: 639
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What I see what can be

It makes me want to shut out the world

Or take it all of it

Take it in and keep it for myself

Cannot belive the powers to perceive

When all around things bring you down

Just have to shut, close up you eyes

Let the strength come up from inside

Feel it rising

Through you brain

A freight train

When I need to belive

I just have to convince myself

Anything you can see

Can become a reality

Will not get stuck in a rut

Refuse to let myself sink

Just have to move do not stand still

And let the chips fall where they will

Feel it rising

Through your brian

A freighttrain

Just let the feeling

Guide you

A breakthrough

Just open up do you like what you see

Can you accept who you are

Can you make strides to where you want to be

Don't be afraid

You must belive in yourself

Don't take any shit from anyone else

You must realize your full potential

If you don't your wasting time

Self-Empowerment is what I'm saying

Don't let anyone make you a victim

With self confidence all is possible

Anything you want reachout and grab it

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