Sacred Reich - Whos To Blame Lyrics

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Artist: Sacred Reich
Sacred Reich Author
Album: The American Way (1990)
Sacred Reich - The American Way Album
Song Title: Whos To Blame
Genre: Metal: Thrash
Visits: 740
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Johnny can you hear me
turn that music down
your making too much noise
I mean it, do it now
all that stuff is evil
OZZY, Judas Priest
theres backwards messages in that stuff
that lead you to the beast

Johnny can you hear me
open up that door
I've been calling you for hours
I won't say it anymore
just wait until your dad gets home
and sees what you have done
kicked out of school, you've got no job
you useless deliquent scum

Oh my god it Johnny
hanging by his neck
all those metal albums have led him to his death
now its time for parents to open your ears and listen
maybe it's to late to see what you've been missing

Music is no cause of death
it's you that suffocates
if you had opened your eyes and ears
you'd see just who to bame
who should be responsible for a life that's not on track
who's the one who must be there to see it gets put back
were you there to here the cries of person in need
were you there to see the signs
or were you to busy

Now it's time for parents to open you ears and listen
maybe it's too late to see what you've been missing
music is no cause of death
it's you that suffocates
if you had opened your eyes and ears
you'd see just who to blame
who should be responsible for a life that's not on track
who's the one who must be there to see it gets put back
where are you to hear the cries of person in need
were you there to see the signs
or were you too busy

Who's the cause
who's to blame
for a life not worth living
is it parents, family who take without giving
so next time that you close you eyes
and choose to shift the blame
remember you could save a life
so really who's to blame

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  • Rest in Peace
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    Too scared of what you'll see
    The nightmares, blood, the horror
    but it's just a dream..."
  • Sacred Reich
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    The war machine will leave you dead
    Rockets launching, lightning up the sky
    The end is near, it's your time to die..."
  • Administrative Decisions
    "Comformity training center
    Seas of mindless brain dead kids
    Wandering lost forever
    What an education is..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The American Way" album, click "Sacred Reich Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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