Sacred Rite - RIP Lyrics

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Artist: Sacred Rite
Song Title: RIP
Visits: 817
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In the space of time before me

Lies the passage of the dead

I met a man, he tried to warn me

'Close your eyes', is all he said

Following the man, I see the torture

A thousand victims lie in pain

Now I hear the voice of judgement

'Throw them all into the flame!'

Who are you to murder the faithless?

Who are you to damn them all to Hell?

Do you know where they go when they leave you?

You'll pay the price for the souls that you sell

Are you the tyrant who cast them to the sea?

One day you'll be among the dead

And when they bury you beneath your enemy

Oh! Rest in peace

In the dark, they hide and tremble

Crying eyes that shake with fear

Fighting time, alone and frightened

And all at once, they disappear

Just a breath of life before them

stands the Man, the Mind, the Way

And with him go the chosen children

To their home so far away

One day you're a beggar, and the next day you're a King

But you'll never know the joy to hear your subjects when they sing

For you persecute and damn them 'till they curl up, there, and die

They call you Lucifer and you wonder why?

Total disintegration - Famine and disease

Ruthless domination - Bring them to their knees

Power to your people - Freedom to your slaves

Your torment and your evil have sent you to your grave

We find you guilty

What have you to say?

Take him away!

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