Sacred Rite - The Blade Lyrics

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Artist: Sacred Rite
Song Title: The Blade
Visits: 701
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Pushing land behind us as we march to break the dome

A million years will bring us miles closer to their homes

Remnants of forgotten lands remind us of our goal

The lives of all the people are now tales we'll never know

What's left of them are mutants, warped and twisted form the mold

Hiding underground, protected from the firey cold

Swallowed by the landscape, lost a hundred times

Could it be that God is seeking payment for our crimes

Raping anger drives us, vengance unfulfilled to this day

A day or two will have us there to execute our plan

Then they all will learn the blade is quicker than the hand

I can see on the horizon as we march across the land

A gleaming dome of iron, miles larger than we'd planned

Burning down the city to a ton of molten lead

We'll blast away the living, and we'll persecute the dead.

Taking the road that will lead to destructing

The wall of the city, so death can be spread into

Madness, evil, wrong

Screaming for the dawn

All of the people who now live in peace with themselves

They forever will never forgive us for

What we have done

All their hopes are gone

Seizing the women and children and men

To be senselessly slaughtered again and again

Dead without a sound

No reason can be found

One day the gods will descend from the heavens

To stop all this killing and bring back the peace

That once was there

Spreading through the air

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