Sacredlife - Cloudthem Lyrics

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Artist: Sacredlife
Song Title: Cloudthem
Visits: 702
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I see myself and I remember all I did
I feel so small does He care about me?
The things I have to do, they seem to be too hard for me!

Why is life such a fight?
Am I in this all alone?
Do You see what I am makin' trough?

I look above, the only thing I see are clouds
The sun shines but there's something between it an me!
But does that mean that the sun is there not any more?

Why is life such a fight?
Am I in this all alone?
Do You see what I am makin' trough?

And with the angels I will sing to glorify and worship God
To see His smile, His wounded hands
because He died life never ends!
He gave the Son to pay the price,
so I can get eternal life,
and He will bring me to His house where He has made a room for me!
made for me!

Lord take my broken life and fix it 'cause You can!
Dress me in white, so I can stand clean before You!
Let today my life be a SacredLife, 'cause You are!

Why is life such a fight?
Am I in this all alone?
Do You see what I am makin' trough?

Glory to You, 'cause You've made me)
and you've saved me, thanks again! ) (4x)

And with the angels I will sing to glorify and worship God
To see His smile, His wounded hands
because He died life never ends!

And with the angels I will sing to glorify and worship God
To see His smile, His wounded hands
because He died life never ends!
He gave the Son to pay the price,
so I can get eternal life,
and He will bring me to His house where He has made a room for me!
made for me!

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