Sacrilege - Silence in a Beloved Scream Lyrics

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Artist: Sacrilege
Sacrilege Author
Album: Lost In the Beauty You Slay (1996)
Sacrilege - Lost In the Beauty You Slay Album
Song Title: Silence in a Beloved Scream
Genre: Metal
Visits: 627
Print Version

Like the shadow from Mordor, creeping slowly forward,
Unleashed from it's sanctuary by the devil in man,
The world thrown into torm
ent by their uncarping greed,
We stare into the face of death screaming to be freed.
Their control is complete, we the voiceless have none,
Beaten into defeat by the arm of the strong,
Now the shadow gets darker for they've stolen the sun,
And the sale of our earth has already begun.
Like Durins bane, rising of from the deep,
There is evil at work while the people do sleep,
As they plunder the earth, still we sit back and watch,
Their wrath consumes all that would stand in their path.
The new day is dawning they start counting the dead,
The hard swollen bellies of the children not fed,
Their land dry and parched still they pray for the rain,
The massacre continous yet again and again.
Year after year the lands ring deaths bell,
The childrens blind eyes have a sad tale to tell,
Their limbs bent and twisted, their kinds hold no spark,
They're crying in vain for no light breaks the dark.
The land holds the hammer but mankind deals the blow,
Economics and pro
fit before compassion we show,
Our excesses waste as the wealthy grow fat,
Rather than give to the needy they'll let the food rot.
At death door they stand, only suffering they know.

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Other Sacrilege song Lyrics
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  • The Closing Irony
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    Their minds blown to fragments now blend with the dust...."
  • Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
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  • Frozen Thoughts
    "Crawling helpless through my scornful mind
    looking upon my inner thoughts
    Bless the stars my company in the night
    Demoniaced, fettered inshackles of light..."
  • Without Delight
    "On the brink of destruction the world trembles in fear,
    The madman is screaming, a crumpled corpse lying near,
    The people are fighting for what's left of the mess,
    Their minds blown to fragments now blend with the dust...."
  • Crying Statues Of Paleness And Ice
    "Feel the wind slowly approaching
    from the deep fiords in the north
    Slaying the remains of the fading automn
    to reign and vigil earth..."
  • Fettered in Shackles of Light
    "Feel the wind slowly approaching
    from the deep fiords in the north
    Slaying the remains of the fading automn
    to reign and vigil earth..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Lost In the Beauty You Slay" album, click "Sacrilege Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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