Sadness - The Mark of the Eldest Son Lyrics

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Artist: Sadness
Song Title: The Mark of the Eldest Son
Visits: 613
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"I disown you, you and against you
You gave me life, my mother, my father
I disown you, you and against you
I'm the door, light of beyond

Paradise or hell, I will only know it once
I've passed them all
I didn't ask anything
Now the true face, the rain of darkness
It's my face
I didn't have the time to see the light of the day
Hell, I will only know it once

Hate is so sweet when it's animated
By shame and vengeance
All the things that I had to learn
Were stolen
I prosternate myself...
The angels already come to demand their dues

O, I implore you, I don't know anything of this
A world, my world opens up to me

Is it hell or a sweet melody of melancoly?
Time belongs, only to the ones that participate
I am what I am
Is it hell or a sweet melody of melancholy?
Time belongs, only to the ones that participate
I am what I am

"You, child born in blood
In the flesh of the flesh of the cradle
Will be the one of the kingdom of death
And your mother: the false
And your brothers: the other you

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  • Act Iv Opal Vault
    "I turn around a last time in this big sinister street, my god,
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    From the windows, dull and dirty, dozens of white
    and macabre looks scrutinize us as if it was to announce..."
  • Act Iv-Opal Vault
    "Under the dark clouds of May,
    a leaf slips over your face,
    spring of love for tears of sorrow.
    Red eyes that wait for you..."
  • Act V Tears of Sorrow
    "Under the dark clouds of May,
    a leaf slips over your face,
    spring of love for tears of sorrow.
    Red eyes that wait for you..."
  • Act V-Tears Of Sorrow
    "Oh yes, she was again, misery and mistery.
    Yes, it was her again and this time,
    I was sure about it. Yes she has struck again.
    Seeing that spectacle of desolation in front of me,..."

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