Sadness - Tribal Lyrics

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Artist: Sadness
Song Title: Tribal
Visits: 626
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She makes you dance
A valkirie seducing the spirits of beyond
She communicates, through those rhythms
With the spirit of hades

So pure, so deep
Magic, mystic, let yourself drift to the beyond
In the depths of belief
So cold, so glacial
Magic, mystic, let yourself drift far away
In the depths of life

Look for the pleasures within yourself
It will guide your aura towards a world
Where the trees touch so close that they look like they embrace
Tribal ceremony

So pure, so deep
Magic, mystic, let yourself drift to the beyond
In the depths of belief
So cold, so glacial
Magic, mystic, let yourself drift far away
In the depths of life

So far, you can't imagine it...
So strong I can almost touch it
I touch their wives and I touch their gods
So far, you can't imagine it...
So strong I can almost touch it
I touch their wives and I touch their gods

You can't understand it
Ceremony of a cult, of another century
Magic, mystic, witness of celtic legends

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  • Act I-Ames De Marbre
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  • Act Ii Lueurs
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    of the evening announce their fury,..."
  • Act Iii-Tristessa
    "I turn around a last time in this big sinister street, my god,
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    From the windows, dull and dirty, dozens of white
    and macabre looks scrutinize us as if it was to announce..."
  • Act Iv Opal Vault
    "I turn around a last time in this big sinister street, my god,
    the fog insmoothes the tear that slowly drifts down along your cheek.
    From the windows, dull and dirty, dozens of white
    and macabre looks scrutinize us as if it was to announce..."
  • Act Iv-Opal Vault
    "Under the dark clouds of May,
    a leaf slips over your face,
    spring of love for tears of sorrow.
    Red eyes that wait for you..."
  • Act V Tears of Sorrow
    "Under the dark clouds of May,
    a leaf slips over your face,
    spring of love for tears of sorrow.
    Red eyes that wait for you..."
  • Act V-Tears Of Sorrow
    "Oh yes, she was again, misery and mistery.
    Yes, it was her again and this time,
    I was sure about it. Yes she has struck again.
    Seeing that spectacle of desolation in front of me,..."

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