Saez Damien - So Georgeous Lyrics

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Artist: Saez Damien
Song Title: So Georgeous
Visits: 1280
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Si la grce avait un nom
Elle porterait le tien
C'est crit dans nos yeux
C'est crit dans nos mains
Impossible est l'amour
Possible est de s'aimer
Mais pourvu que toujours
Reste l'Immacul

Because you are so gorgeous
Even if I want to be alone
You are so gorgeous
Even if I never wanted to fall
You are so gorgeous
Even if I used to walk alone
You are so gorgeous

Ne baisse pas les yeux
Et laisse les destins
Et le vert et le bleu
Se marient si bien

Mais demain nul ne sait
Tu le dis si bien
Qui sait on s'aimerait
Sous le souffle divin

Because you are so gorgeous
Even if I want to be alone
You are so gorgeous
Even if I never wanted to fall
You are so gorgeous
Even if I used to walk alone
You are so gorgeous

Because you are so gorgeous
Even if I want to be alone
You are so gorgeous
Even if I never wanted to fall
You are so gorgeous
Even if I used to walk alone
You are so gorgeous

Si l'amour est un temple
Et qu'il y faut prier
Comme on prierait le ciel
Si l'amour est un temple
Toi tu seras ma religion

Because you 're gorgeous
Even if I want to be alone
You are so gorgeous
Even if I never wanted to fall
You are so gorgeous
Even if I used to walk alone
You are so gorgeous

You are the one
You're the one

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  • Burn One Down
    "Let us burn one
    from end to end
    and pass it over
    to me my friend..."
  • Cant Get You Of My Head
    "La la la
    La la la la la
    La la la
    La la la la la..."
  • CrPuscule
    "Dans la mlancolie je me noie en enfer
    Et la fume de ma cigarette grimpe dans l'air
    Les murs de la chambre
    Oh crpuscule..."
  • Disarm
    "Disarm you with a smile
    And cut you like you want me to
    Cut that little child
    Inside of me and such a part of you..."

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