Sage Francis - Andy Kaughman Lyrics

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Artist: Sage Francis
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Song Title: Andy Kaughman
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AUTHOR: Sage Francis

Now I know it ain't right, but I decided I hadta' /

Us poets paint life, but don't get recognized till afta' /

So I faked my own death just to see what would happen /

As I taje shallow breaths and wait for people's reaction /

It was funny at first, but I had to hold my laughter...wait /

Before long I was on display at an open casket wake /

And I'm the main attraction who draws a crowd. A freak show of sorts /

Good thing my skin is pale enough to pass as a decomposing corpse /

Frozen in my thoughts, laying stiff...playing with

/ People's emotions and awaiting a kiss from praying lips that I hate but miss.

She didn't show...although she sent a card with flowers /

How considerate. That little bitch would make me sit in my car for hours /

Heartless powers start to devour my gets me violent /

I'm ready to fly shit and end everything like "I QUIT!"

Then again I sit deathly quiet...biting my tongue /

Just excited that some kids...who were invited to come did /

I'm the center of attention...the talk of the town /

It ain;t all that profound, but on this special day of mine I'm the one the universe revolves around /

It's like a birthday...kind of.

I also found that it's the worst way to find love.

White doves battle black crows in one of the back rows /

And everybody my ass knows back home is sporting black clothes /

Looking glum as's all too familliar /

I put the fun back into funeral. My morbid humor'll kill ya' /

For all that it's worth...the people who I thought were jerks /

Were putting on the water works and it sorta hurts /

My momma stroked my hair with so much care but hardly spoke /

Now my heart is broke, and yeah...I should've let her in on the joke /

But I'm honestly choked up, and I'm stuck holding back my tears /

As I absorb the atmosphere, "I wanna turn back I'm scared!"

Then a hand touches my shoulder to calm my nerves /

And something odd occurs because I heard my father's words /

So I got he expressed what he's never said /

What bothered me the most is that I remembered...he's dead /

I manifested destiny. The best and worst of worlds has come true /

As I'm buried alive, in the back of my mind echoes his words:

"I love you."

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