Sage Francis - Gunz Yo Lyrics

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Artist: Sage Francis
Sage Francis Author
Album: Healthy Distrust (2005)
Sage Francis - Healthy Distrust Album
Song Title: Gunz Yo
Visits: 711
Print Version

i'm on fire, i'm on fire

me too, me too

guns yo, i keep one in my pillowcase

it keeps me safe when i sleep, still i keep awake

what if my dream girl pays a midnight visit?

i see the world thru the scope but i gain no insight with it

when i get introspective i put the safety on

make these songs

with the biscuit sittin in my shaky palms

i'm a man now (a real man)

not the one who went to two colleges

grovellin' over meal plans

i'm starin' at the ceiling fan

all wide-eyed

amazed by the ways the blades break the silence

i used to be afraid of firin'

it sounded startling

but now i'm starting to hate the quiet moments

might remind you of a mike

by the way i hold it (to the grill)

a homophobic rapper

unaware of the graphic nature of phallic symbols

tragically ironic, suckin' off each others' gats & pistols

i got more back issues than guns and ammo

cuz my oozy weighs a ton

and i never let go of the handle

hangin' on to mommy's pant leg


knee-deep in shells kickin' ballistics

this dick is a detachable penis

an extension of my manhood positioned like a fetus

an intravenous hook-up feeds bullets to my magazine

nevermind the bullocks, my pistol is a sex machine

guns yo (sex machine)

bust it

i got another gun (what)

i keep it in my briefcase

it keeps me safe at my workplace

cubicle gangster who's in need of his personal space

angster of love who's unable to look girls in his face

cuz i know that all the stupid people increase the birth rate

i'm just about dumb enough to hold up a sperm bank

make my demands and then facilitate fur trades

empty the bird cage and release the mermaids


i got a watergun

i keep it in my mouth

it keeps me safe from the things i like to speak about

but words are leakin' out

and all these smiles that i crack

are like a dam on the verge of collapse

there ain't no turnin' back

in fact i can't hold down my fluids

can't retract statements

without water displacement

flooded the basement

then sought refuge

removed my waterproof vest and then i kicked off my wet shoes

made it to dry land

pistol in hand

fistfuls of ammo riding on a camel

thru a desert of sand

lucid dreams are a lot like computer screens

people have pretentious conversations but i shoot the breeze

blow a hole straight thru their long-winded theories

hold my own and make songs for them to sing with me

its the same type of heat that millie used

to break the ice with santa claus

when she made him sing the christmas blues

capitalists strung her up for killin'em

every manufactured holiday they sacrifice another victim

before wartime depression sets in

i get to step in

and shoe shine my weapon

i'm hemorrhoid, i'm the leader

you're dead like dey la

i hold my crotch like a nine-millimeter

guns yo

(i'm on fire) (me too)

(nine-millimeter) (sex machine)

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