Sage Francis - I Keep Calling Lyrics

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Artist: Sage Francis
Sage Francis Author
Song Title: I Keep Calling
Visits: 615
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AUTHOR: Sage Francis



Pick up, Pick up...Pick up, Pick up...

Verse One:

Now I can't even think back. Self-induced amnesia has made its impact /

Mental health produced at leisure was frayed once it was intact /

I voluntarily refuse to remenisce /

If I could choose any wish...I'd lose my genesis /

And prove to my nemesis that I don't need Memory Lane on my way home /

But I got lost and I needed a pay phone /

Because I was in an unsafe zone...inside of a place unknown /

Where unfamilliar faces roam (...and it's so strange)... /

I've got no change...I could've sworn that I did when I left /

My breath gets heavy with every lie and theft /

I looked right and left...then I called people at my home collect /

To tell them, "Things changed." But they just won't accept /

I'm out of range...with no respect. Every time I asked for directions /

All I got was dead ai, cut lines, and bad connections /

People who would helo changed their number to unlisted /

411 info left me unassisted. Wickedly twisted... /

incidents. Is it coincidence? I choose to think so /

Deep in thought, my eyes blink slow. Pictures appear like slide shows /

My mind knows each and every single detail /

Total recall is leaving me pale /

Sick to my stomach...nautious...forces of nature bring my homing instinct /

Its so let me think...a minute /

epiphany: This is the much traveled trail from my past /

Now an unbeaten path...unfunny memories are now making me laugh.


Verse Two:

Haaaaaa! The flashbacks of my past acts are numerous /

Since out the uterus...Earth encounters ain't been that humerous / laugh lines have been faked for the last time /

I'm past my prime. Climaxing again is a task of mine /

I'm homeward bound. Break out the map and atlas /

I ask gas station attendants...and they just act pissed /

I'm black listed...for not staying true to white lies /

I fight darkness...heartless...until the night dies /

Then I shed some light on what's the matter /

Reflections in the looking glass self scatter when the hard stares make it shatter /

7 years bad luck? Time's irrelevant /

I'm searching for signs of intelligent minds, but find the element /

Which blinds what the hell I think. Now I'm thinking... /

"What time is it?" I see the 12:00 blinking /

Check the position...of the see there is none /

I figure there's an I look away to save my wisdom /

The solar system left me stranded in a universe /

Where I do reverse psychology. Apologies are made through my verse /

Ain't nothing to do but curse when I'm frustrated /

Making people disgusted. Plus, I'm mistrusted and hated /

That's an understatement, but who really cares about my failure years? /

I'm on an expedition...following my trail of tears /

From when I cried, dried up...and vaporized /

I played your game, so where's my consalation prize? I'm taking lies /

from faking guys...and gals...who want to be my pals...and peers /

At this here pace, it'll take me a thousand years /

To fins my way back...encompassing what they lack /

It cost me most of my life, but still I'm thinking about a pay back /

Decapitated...I lost my head, and fear is activated /

I'm in a fog. My blood, sweat and tears evaporated /

I back track to find my lost sense of direction /

Stop, look, and listen...before I cross the intersection /

There's much construction. I'm signaled with morse code /

to take a detour. Somehow I end up on an off road /

I squint my eyes...trying to find some street signs /

I can only read strong thoughts. These people have weak minds /

Trapped in a desert that to me looks like a sandbox /

With damn NARCS...hold up, son...I'm noticing some landmarks /

I rack my brain...knowing that I can't attack in vane /

Upon return I promised myself not to act the same /

But every so often my selective screen memory...will be my enemy /

Metamorphasize and say, "Remember me?" /

Getting me petro...wish I could kill the retro /

But heck much of my past I just can't let go /

I'm just a stone's throw away from my home turf...which really is this whole earth /

But claims like that have no worth /

epiphany: And then it hits me...the reason why I'm dizzy /

Is because I've been traveling in circles keeping myself busy.

(Where is he?)



Deejay Perseus drumming.

I Keep Calling Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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