Sage Francis - Narcissist (Live on 903 WRIU) Lyrics

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Artist: Sage Francis
Sage Francis Author
Song Title: Narcissist (Live on 903 WRIU)
Visits: 631
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I don't look at myself in the mirror because I'm a narcissist

I simply like to watch myself exist...(HHHH)

Now I'm in a fog and mist...(HHHH)

Now my reflection is anonymous

Ponder this!

I've seen a reflection of my soul in the store window

Caught in limbo 'cause I was dressed all in Timbo's

Having fantasies of playing Polo with Ralph Lauren on a Tommy Hill

And my paper thin spirit was still grieving from the Versace kill in Florida

Opened the door to the store and I walked down the corridor

to see they had a blow out sale on Nautica

I've always been a Lord of the button down Flies?

Being they were half-priced, I pass 'em on by looking for Levis

But Guess what? All my favorite clothing lines and hip designs

Were being liquidized and it made me sick to my eyes

I don't understand...when I had no ends...the price was quick to rise

I'd buy a pair of trends even if they didn't fit my size

Purchase a surplus of fads from merchants whose ads

Made these cheap ass fabrics that were so worthless and sad

Just look priceless, they used unethical devices to attack my sense of

self-worth during my prepubescent crisis

It fed into my insecurities, so instead of being righteous

I want everyone to see me like this

It's all about who looks the nicest

Ice is falling off my Rolie onto my body shoot!

I hope to hell it doesn't melt and ruin my Armani suit

While I'm sweatin' this,some kid who doesn't got any loot

Is buying my necklace along with my same exact khakis and army boots

What?! This is blasphemous!

Since Adidas tried changing its logo

there ain't been nothing as wack as this

It's probably a stunt being pulled by Animal Rights activists

Because of all that Third World country garbage

So while these monkeys sweat over my name brands that exchange hands

From enslaved lands, I wonder if I'm the same man

Without reward...for what I bought but CAN'T still afford

This is the type of self-realization that might have killed the Lord

I didn't mind working free as a walking billboard

But now I want my money my ice spilled and poured

Onto the floor I did see a distorted reflection of my Nike hat

I don't know how others might react

For me it was an unsightly act that helped me get my psyche back

I stood 5 feet back, afraid that it might strike me like Shaclack clack!

Ya'll think I'm kidding? It's not big thing

What I seen made my heart hurt, stomach turn, throat burn, teeth cringe

spine tingle, and ribs sting

I noticed that the swoosh symbol was nothing but a whip in mid-swing..


I don't look at myself in the mirror because I'm a narcissist

I simply like to watch myself exist...(HHHH)

I'm in a fog and mist...(HHHH)

(Sage giving random shout outs!)

Narcissist (Live on 903 WRIU) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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