Sage Francis - The Buzz Kill Lyrics

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Artist: Sage Francis
Sage Francis Author
Album: A Healthy Distrust (2004)
Sage Francis - A Healthy Distrust Album
Song Title: The Buzz Kill
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 644
Print Version

(Recorded Voice)

You are listening to the heartbeat of the Sage

Sage posses the newest and most revolutionary advance in split second presentation

As well as split second calculation

To protect the future of America

The defense techniques of tomorrow had to be discovered now

But Sage needed more than this

New concepts, new tools, new weapons

By analyzing the past, Sage can project into the future

(Sage Francis)

I used to think that rappers had it figured out

Brass Monkey, St. Ides, Old English, and Guiness Stout

Once a man twice a boy with a choice of vice or voice of spite

Not enough poisons to pick to enjoy this life

Now I thought suicide was a suburban myth

I couldn't see my own hands being the ones I'm murdered with

That is until I travelled this world a bit

I understand now if I lose my nerve I'll get the girl to do it!

She heard the music but preferred the person, she's worth it

The only one I left behind the curtain to work with

Pushin' buttons and playin' with levers

We'll stay together as long as I'm honest in my songs

(Radio) Suckers never play this

Scared shitless of dismissing clear channel playlists

Poorly developed, yet highly advanced

The black music intertwined with the white man's line dance

(Recorded Voice)

Supersonic, super destructive, seemingly unresistable

On the job, around the clock, with 24 hour a day reliability

Constantly monitoring, pulse-taking, controlling

Into a continuous flow of interpretation, which could be understood at a glance

(Sage Francis)

It's not only a time I'm kept

Busy with shivers and cold shakes

Sitting on snow banks

Waiting to be delivered some soulmates

Or wait

Lift and tuck my fate for several levels

Fill my body till they send me an empty face with the head of devils

My breath resembles the smell of flowers

Yanked from life, placed in a vase

Sits and wilts and watch 'em dies in the name of grave mistakes

That we all make

Believe that we're getting by treating ourselves wrong

Throw me a reindeer John letter party

And ill be there with bells on

Hell spawn

So if he calls the city hall

They still got the gall

To blame the victory on biggie smalls

From strip malls

To strip clubs

They slip drugs

Into the drinks that kids love

Tell us to drink up and get buzzed

This is the buzz kill jump into the saddle

Emerge from the dust kicked up in the uphill battle

With my guns drawn and sword out

Pointed towards the couthouse

I sort out words from my war torn mouth

I disassociate the actions with their meanings

Songs from "ends justify their means" mentality

Plus I'm bleeding

Give me a bandaid a band that can play

A fanbase with hearing aids and a voice like a hand grenade

I pull the wool over their vision

Pull the pin and push it in 'em

Using women as a pin cusion

A super villian

With some war paint and jokes done in poor taste

We'll see who laughs last all the way to foreign banks

(Recorded Voice)

Ready to take over in a matter of seconds

to protect the future of America

Sage also has protection too

(Come on come on, feel it feel it)

The protection which comes with the possesion weapons of retaliation

But is this protection enough?

(Sage Francis)

(I was) I was B-boyin' in my former body

Singing all the songs at parties

Now I'm like don't let nobody

Through the door in the hotel lobby

I'd wear Armani if they endorse me

So people who are poor can rob me

Then forcefully sex me up

Color me confused when they paint issues black and white

Resuscitate their grey matter right back to life

It's my destiny she wants me she beckons

She left me for dead but death didnt want no sloppy seconds

I'm certified fresh

Our freedom kissed the French for their political dissent

Like *mwah* I do it with tongue this time

And take that bovine blood out your wine

And take that statue back to the lab it was created at

Your huddled masses yearning to breath free

Take 'em back!

Your homeless tempest-tossed to me

Take 'em back!

The U-S-A has cracked

(Recorded Voice)

And as long as we're on guard

As long as we're ready to look ahead

To move ahead

The future of America is secure

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    i got two left hooves, two on test.
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Healthy Distrust" album, click "Sage Francis Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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